25 Of The Most Embarrassing Things People Have Done At The Doctor's Office

    "I kinda dickslapped him."

    We recently asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us about some of their most awkward and embarrassing moments at the doctor's office. Here are some of their most hilarious responses:

    1. The patient who broke the waiting room silence with porn:

    2. This guy who really didn't need to touch his doctor's knee:

    3. This woman who just couldn’t hold it in:

    4. The guy who got his crack shaved in front of everyone:

    5. The patient who was caught on camera pooping in a $200,000 machine:

    6. This patient who was found naked and huddled like Gollum:

    7. This guy whose bodily fluids cost his doctor a new MacBook:

    8. This very loopy patient who suggested anal:

    9. This patient who got her doctor right in the nuts:

    10. The girl who showed her doctor the wrong pair:

    11. This guy who ran into a nurse with his penis out:

    12. The woman who got caught stealing all the kids' Band-Aids:

    13. The girl who made Valentine's Day even worse:

    14. This girl who spent her first gyno visit on the floor:

    15. This person who just made things really fucking weird:

    16. This woman who cracked way more than her back:

    17. This patient who wore their gown in a very ~unique~ fashion:

    18. This girl who took matters into her own hands:

    19. This patient who got hot for a middle-aged nurse:

    20. This patient who ruined some white sheets:

    21. The girl who showed off her thong to a friend’s dad:

    "I was asked to put on a gown so the doctor could check my spinal symmetry. Underwear choice for the exam: black lace thong. My classmate's dad is my pediatrician. Needless to say, I will never go over to their house again."


    22. The patient who tried to spit game at her doctor and spit blood instead:

    23. The woman who pushed a little too hard:

    24. This guy who got way too excited during his first STD exam in college:

    25. ...And then dickslapped his dermatologist:

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