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12 Times Your Mom Was There For You

You can't spell "Momsarethebest" without "mom." This winter, make sure you reward her for all that love and affection with a Carnival Cruise. It's the perfect way to say "I'm sorry for middle school."

1. When she stocked the fridge in your first apartment.

2. When she would risk her own health to nurse you back from the flu.

3. Every time she protected you from the internet.

4. When she was the perfect complement to your Halloween costume.

5. When you went on vacation, and she only wanted to take pictures of you.

6. When she was on board with your creative input for the family portrait.

7. Whenever you needed a player two.

8. When she proudly became the loudest audience member at your graduation.

9. When you were going through tough times, she knew how to cheer you up.

10. When she fought off monsters every time you had a nightmare.

11. Throughout your childhood, she was the star of your warmest memories.

12. She was the first and most important voice you ever heard.