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    Worldwide Bullying the "Power 4"

    Worldwide issues with bullying and the main 4 areas that bullying seems to occur

    Parent Bullying and the effect it has on Adolescents

    Things to consider with Bullying/Bullies

    1) Some feel like bullying is a normal passage in life, it is over looked because people know that it goes on but don’t care for it as much if they do not see it. Although some see it many will not try to stop it if it is done by a chaperon or guardian many people do not want to get involved with disciplining someone else’s child. 2) Bullies tend to be guardian, leaders in groups, or those that are popular amongst people they are rarely called out for bullying due to there status and other peoples fear of not fitting in if you are to call out the bully. 3) Parents that are bullies have been shown to teach there children to how to bully as there children do as there parents teach or mimic how they parents act.

    Need to know facts about Bullying

    1) Each year there are more than 3.2 million students who are the victims of a bully.

    2) Bullying is the reason about 160,000 teens skip school each day.

    3) It is estimated that about 1 out of every 10 students drop out of school due to being repeatedly bullied. 4) A survey in 2009 found that 9 out of every 10 LGBT 5) students reported experiencing verbal harassment in the previous school year, because of their sexual orientation 6)1 out of every 4 teachers do not see anything wrong with bullying and only intervene about 4% of the time

    7) About 56% of all students have personally witnessed bullying of some form while at school


    The 5 that catch your eye: Cyberbullying facts

    1) 81% of young people think bullying online is easier to get away with than bullying in person. 2) 75% of students admit they have visited a website bashing another student. 3 Girls are about twice as likely as boys to be victims and perpetrators of cyber bullying. 4) 90% of teens who have seen social-media bullying say they have ignored it. 5) Bullying victims are 2 to 9 times more likely to consider committing suicide.

    Cyberbullying Preventions

    1) Make sure that your usernames and passwords on all of your technology/social media is protected and secure and do not give them out to anyone. 2) Do not add unknown people to your social media accounts or give anyone a gateway to stalk your page; private settings on technology should be activated if you have any concerns. 3) To assure cyberbullying does not go on at all and the best way it can be prevented is simply by not having any social media or that many technological devices at all.

    LGBT Bullying

    LGBT Human Rights Watch

    Workplace Bullying

    5 signs you are being bullied at work

    1) If going to work means misery because of coworkers, clients, or bosses you could be at risk of being bullied 2) Constantly being criticized for the work you are doing at work and you are constantly receiving negative feedback or backlash. 3) Being yelled at daily or on a constant by co-workers, bosses, or colleagues 4) If bosses or co-workers are keeping files of the mistakes you make and throw it back in your face 5) Co workers, colleagues, supervisors etc. keep gossiping about you at work or spread lies trying to make you look bad or unprofessional