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12 Ways To Gamify Your Life​

Time to inject some fun into things. Captain Morgan's game!

1. Liven up a dull tube journey by working out who you'd marry if there were an apocalypse.

2. Combat meeting boredom by playing "Buzzword Bingo".

3. Create gaming checkpoints on your way to work.

4. Pretend that this is a timed level.

5. Act like you’re playing on hard mode.

6. Pretend that zombies are chasing you to up your gains in the gym.

7. Race people walking down the street.

8. Watch raindrops race down a glass pane. Put bets on them.

9. Alleviate bordom on car journeys by cutting down all the trees.

10. Reimagine yourself as a hero when you’re trying to carry your shopping up the stairs.

11. Walk on the ceiling.

12. Pretend you're playing Tetris when you're loading the dishwasher.

Make your life more fun – like the Captain! Captain Morgan #livelikethecaptain.