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13 Things That Ain't No One Got Time For Anymore

You've got less time than ever. But with 360 Checking® from Capital One®, you'll waste no time easily finding one of the 38,000 fee-free ATMs nationwide. And with no fees or minimums, you'll have time to focus on more important things.

1. Flyers.

2. Spinny wheel thing.

3. "Cash only."

4. Plays without intermissions.

5. Cable companies and their three-hour "windows."

6. Articles that are only available in the print edition of the magazine.

7. Long lines at the grocery store when you finally concede to buying that magazine.

8. TV shows that aren't available online.

9. Email signatures that are so long you have to scroll.

10. Verbal directions.

11. Slow texter-backers.

12. Long-winded texters who don't utilize emoji.

13. Photos that must "develop."

Time is money. Good thing you can earn interest on your 360 Checking® from Capital One® account.

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