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10 Weird And Hilarious College Mascots

Anybody can have a wolf or a bear as their college mascot, but these schools have taken it upon themselves to have the most unique mascots ever. They are memorable to say the least! Has your school got a weird mascot? Add it in the comments. Sponsored by Capital One Journey Student Card.

1. University of California at Santa Cruz - The Banana Slug

2. Evergreen State - The Geoduck

3. University of Arkansas Monticello - The Boll Weevil

4. University of California Santa Cruz - California Golden Bear

5. The Podcast Pickle

6. Delta State University - The Fighting Okra

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7. Presbyterian College - Blue Hose

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8. Wichita State University - WuShock the Shocker

9. Western Kentucky University - Big Red

10. Stanford - Tree