This Guy Made A Time Lapse Of His Wife's Pregnancy And It's Perfect

    Nine months in just a few seconds.

    Once Byron found out his wife, Monique, was pregnant, he started taking a picture of her in the same place every day before the big day came.

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    Byron had done a time lapse of his growing puppy, Dunder, and he wanted to do the same for his wife. "This was a great way to help settle my nerves during the pregnancy. As a first time father, I was nervous the whole time," Byron told BuzzFeed.

    As the days went by, Monique's belly wasn't the only thing that changed. You slowly see a guest room turn into an adorable nursery.

    Not to mention their dogs, Dunder and Munster, helped out with every stage of her pregnancy.

    They even waited all day and all night when Monique and Byron left for their son's birth.

    Until finally, baby Dylan was welcomed home! "Things have been great," Byron said. "I'm a first time parent, so there's a lot of learning to be done, but the wife and I are taking it one day at a time and loving every minute."