A Man Shares His Chilling Story About Being At The Concert During The Paris Terror Attacks

    "Bullets were flying everywhere, and all it takes is one."

    The New York Times talked to 24-year-old Gauthier about surviving the Paris terror attacks, and it's incredibly powerful.

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    Gauthier was at the Eagles of Death Metal concert when he heard shots ring out, and he still has his shirt from that night.

    He recalls hearing gunfire halfway through the show and, for a moment, thought it was part of the performance.

    He attempted to get up and run to one of the emergency exits, but was hit in the elbow by a bullet and knocked back down.

    After seeing numerous people shot in front of him, he realized how big of an impact just one bullet could have.

    After reaching an emergency exit that was blocked with people, Gauthier recalls, a man in a red shirt pulled him out of the Bataclan theater to safety.

    Guathier concludes by describing how horrific a single bullet can be.