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    17 Moments That Perfectly Sum Up Your Senior Year Of High School

    The most exciting yet terrifying time of your life

    1. Feeling excited that you only have one year left of compulsory education...

    2. ...and then realizing that compulsory = free.

    3. Finally getting to sit in the front of the student section at sporting events

    4. Participating in your extracurriculars for the last time

    5. Stressing out about college applications...

    6. ...and breathing a sigh of relief when you finally make your decision

    7. Realizing that this will be your last normal Thanksgiving/Christmas with your family

    8. Contracting an awful case of second-semester Senioritis

    9. Completely ditching all efforts to make yourself look presentable for school

    10. Using Calculus to figure out how many days you can miss before becoming truant

    11. Taking your last round of high school/AP Exams

    12. Going through the trials and tribulations of Prom planning

    13. Just wanting to freaking graduate already

    14. Soaking in the last few months that you have with your lifelong friends

    15. Stressing out at the idea of being on your own....

    16. ...but also feeling excitement towards the unknowns of the future

    17. And finally, standing on that stage and realizing how quickly high school flew by