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It’s Time To Find Out How Common Your 2024 ‘Ins And Outs’ Opinions Are

We're not glorifying sun tans in 2024.

The game is simple — all you've got to do is give us your opinion on whether the following are 'In' or 'Out' for 2024 — then find out where your thoughts stack up against everyone else's.

Our take: Early bedtimes are in.

There's nothing like waking up after a good eight hours of sleep — and being well-rested means you can slay the day without wondering when you can fit your next nap in.

Whether it's an app, a routine or anything in between, figure out what works for you and prioritise your snooze-time for a better wake-time.

Our take: Changing your entire aesthetic based on trends is out.

There's no reason that you need to revamp your entire wardrobe and learn new makeup techniques every time your favourite beauty influencer declares that ~clean girl aesthetic is over~.

It's much more lucrative to establish your own personal style depending on what you actually like — not what's trending. That way, you can invest in items that will last you ages, saving you cash and reducing your carbon footprint.

Our take: Sun tanning is out.

Somewhere along the line, we were taught that suntanning made us look better. Healthier, glowy — whatever the adjective used, it's time for us to be smarter than that. A suntan is a clear indication that your skin's been exposed to so much UV that it's begun to harm it. In fact, even just 15 minutes of sun can start causing damage to your skin.

There are a number of reasons why the romanticisation of suntanned skin is out — no question. And while it's not the most pressing reason to stop (given the fact that Australia has the highest rate of skin cancer in the world) your suntan is probably making you look older — and no amount of skincare is going to save you from that.

Our take: Standing up for what you believe in is in.

It's hard to speak up, but often when you don't, you'll find yourself being overlooked and undermined. And while I like sitting around and waiting for someone to notice how hard I'm working or know what I'm about — usually people are too absorbed in themselves (just like you and I are) to notice or care.

If you have spent the years prior to 2024 letting people speak for you or manipulate the flow of your energy, it's time to reclaim your power and protect your peace.

Our take: Skincare routines with more than four steps are out.

In a world ripe with ~influencing~, it's easy to find yourself collecting a mirage of viral, trending products without really knowing what they do. Unless you have particular issues that require specialist treatment, we're keeping things simple in 2024.

A cleanse and moisturise — with a serum or toner pads that address issues you actually have, followed by SPF (reapplied every two hours) for the daytime is more than enough to keep your skin looking plump and radiant.

Our take: Hats are in — as long as they actually ~hat~.

Sure, the sun is big and beautiful and we love being out in it — but anyone's who's been stuck out without a hat, holding an arm up to block the rays from harshly penetrating their eyeballs will know how much they're actually needed.

Not to mention the actual sun damage you can cause to your skin if you're out without appropriate protection. In fact, sun exposure is responsible for 80% of premature aging — so if you want youthful, glowing skin in 2024 and beyond, slap on a hat (that protects your face, head, neck and ears).

Our take: Correcting typos is out.

With the increased frequency of typed messages, emails and everything in between after the beloved tech boom, typos have become more and more prevalent in our daily lives — and I don't know how we didn't see it coming.

Correcting typos is exhausting — both for those correcting them and those who have to hear their mates repeat their typo six times in the group chat. If you know what the word was supposed to be, get over it and keep the conversation flowing.