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    Ways For Writers To Combat Anxiety

    It turns out anxiety among writers is a common thing. It is something that prevents the creativity of some writers to flow. It is a thing that may not be openly discussed but it is real. Writers are often taken aback from the anxiety they suffer when they write. It may end up impacting the kind of writing they do and also the quality of what they write. It is perhaps important to start discussing this problem so that writers can find relief and be able to cope well with the problem. A writer can only write when he or she finds the right perspective. It is important for writers to overcome anxiety in the best possible way--have a goal in what you write. It is important, when writing, to know what will be the impact to the readers. At the end of the day, it is important the piece is able to impact what you want the readers to experience. If it is an entertainment piece, you make sure the people or readers are able to be entertained at the end of the writing piece. Having a perspective will lessen the worry and make things easier for you to write. The thing with any writing project is nothing can be perfect. There is always a flaw somewhere. With this, some writers are having anxiety attacks about the flaws and other problems with the writing piece. Instead of worrying too much about perfection, it is time to embrace the imperfection. There is no such thing as perfection in any type of creative expedition. At some point you will have to deal with deadlines. Writers should be contented about what they have done and realize that is the best they can do for the meantime. The writing piece is history and the next thing that you have control over with is how you position the next writing assignment that you will be getting. When you get a bad feedback, all of a sudden writers will have less will to write again. The last thing a writer does when getting bad reviews of the work is to stop writing. It is best to fire up the word processor and start something--just start something. Perhaps, you have a paragraph that you wrote a year ago--start from there. Look at the notes, and see if you have anything that is worth writing and worth pursuing. Once you try to write and overcome the challenges, the brain will always respond to the moment and the angst will return and cause great motivation and the anxiety will go away. A good writer knows when to let go and to have a vacation. Stress and anxiety can bring your productivity down. The least you can do is to step down and try to move away from the computer. If you can, try to disconnect for some time from social media. Be with yourself at times and discover much about yourself. This can be a nice thing to happen for you and will be tremendously therapeutic.
