17 Secrets You Probably Didn't Know About "Gogglebox"

    The cast members actually aren't allowed to interact.

    We spoke to Gogglebox Australia stars, Wayne and Tom, and Zina and Vivian, to find out everything you didn't know about the TV show, which is now in its fifth season.

    1. There are just a couple of remote-controlled cameras recording the cast in their living rooms.

    2. And the cameras are so discreet that they don't even notice them.

    3. There are producers in the house with them, but they aren't in the same room as the cast.

    4. Zina and Vivian auditioned for the show the old-fashioned way.

    5. But Wayne and Tom were approached while they were drunk on a train.

    6. They watch a mixture of live and pre-recorded programs...

    😂 We've all done it, @WayneandTom! #GoggleboxAU #mediawatch

    7. ...and they never have any clue what they're going to watch.

    🙋 💁 says Tom! @WayneandTom #GoggleboxAU

    "We have no idea what the schedule will be like for that week."

    8. But they do request to watch certain shows.

    9. The cast do get recognised in public.

    Approached by Victoria Police..but not what you think, Tom was not drinking in public. @RoyalMelbShow #goggleboxau

    "We don't see ourselves as famous, we're on our lounge in our own home so we forget. Still to this day we have people waving and yelling."

    10. And sometimes they even have to avoid busy areas to dodge fans.

    11. No topic or swear word is off limits on camera.

    12. Nothing is scripted and they don't re-film reactions.

    13. They spend about 10-15 hours a week filming, on different days during different times.

    14. They don't have any special markers on their couches, they just sit where they like. But they do worry about flashing the camera.

    15. They're not meant to talk to any other cast members.

    16. In fact, they're so strongly encouraged to avoid each other that they don't even have wrap parties at the end of the season.

    17. But Vivian did find fellow cast member Symon on Tinder once. It didn't work out.

    Gogglebox Australia airs on Wednesdays at 7.30pm on The Lifestyle Channel, and Thursdays at 9pm on TEN.