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16 Crazy Mugs For Your 16 Crazy Relatives

Celebrate your lovely (and crazy) family with a cup of Café Bustelo!

1. A caveman mug for your tío who kinda still lives in the caverns because he has never learned how to text.

2. A sloth mug for your bisabuela who is the slowest yet loveliest person alive.

3. Para ese primo que no deja de leer en las comidas familiares…a library mug so he never misses a return date!

4. For that other tío who's always trying to impress you with his tricks (aunque casi nunca le salen bien), a magic mug.

5. Or a perfect mug for your prima segunda, que siempre hace drama cuando la comida no está lista.

6. O para el primo bromista, una taza sorpresa…so that he pays for all the terrible pranks he’s played on you!

7. A hint mug para la tía regañona, who always has something to say about the way you dress or your S.O.

8. For your prima and her boyfriend, who can’t get off each other. Unas tazas de corazones abrazados.

9. A toilet mug for your sobrinito, que te dio muchos dolores de cabeza when he was learning how to use the potty.

10. A rebel cup for your rebel sobrina. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

11. For your brother who loves art and anything related to culture, a mug that will bring waves of creativity.

12. Una taza de basketball for your sister who can never get her eyes off the ball. JAMÁS EN LA VIDA, ni cuando toma cafecito.

13. A comforting unicorn mug for your abuelita consentidora who always gets a sonrisa from you. <3

14. Una taza con un mensaje indirecto para tu sleepy grandpa. So he doesn’t snore to the rhythm of bachata.

15. Para el primo bohemio who sometimes lives on another planet (sorry, primo), an outer space mug.

16. Para el novio de tu hermana who has a REALLY BIG ego (but you like him anyway): a self-confidence mug.

Show your love for your crazy familia with a cray-cray mug and some Café Bustelo cafecito.