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How Much Of A Creme Egg Expert Are You?

Can you find all the Creme Eggs we've hidden in this post?

Cadbury Creme Egg Hunting Season is in full swing! But how are your hunting skills? We've hidden 10 delicious Cadbury Creme Eggs in this post... Can you find them all?

1. We’ll start you off with a relatively easy one: an homage to the Cadbury Creme Egg Lodge that has been touring the UK this past month!

2. You'd be surprised where you can hunt Creme Eggs. Can you find one in this woodland?

3. Got the hang of it? Right, let's head up north:

4. Did you know Creme Eggs are especially popular in rural areas?

5. Hunting becomes much tougher in the city when you have thousands looking for them!

6. Car parks are a surprisingly fertile Creme Egg hotspot...

7. Unfortunately, there isn't an app to help you hunt just yet. You'll have to use your instincts!

8. Is this too easy? Okay, for these next three eggs, we've taken the wrapper off! Can you find them?

9. We're heading back to London, so here's a hint: Look out for the goo!

10. And finally, we're back to the great British outdoors. Can you hunt down the final egg?

How did you do? Do you think you're ready to hunt Creme Eggs out in the wild?

Get your best plaid shirt on as hunting season is well underway!

Cadbury Creme Eggs are here, and it is glorious, but they won't be here forever. They'll be going back into hibernation on April 16, not appearing again until January 2018! So don't get caught napping and join the great Cadbury Creme Egg hunt today!

All images courtesy of iStock and Getty Images