Sookio Masterclass: The Art Of Using Image And Video In Social Media - Cambridge, July 29, 2014

    Speaker: Cate Sevilla, Managing Editor, BuzzFeed UK, July 29, 2014, 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM, Cambridge Brew House, King Street, Cambridge CB11LH

    In the second of our successful series of Sookio Masterclasses, we're looking at the way images and video content can be used effectively in social media.

    How can you use images and video in your updates to engage with your audience and attract new followers? What do people find most appealing? And how does the approach differ from platform to platform? You may be familiar with Facebook and Twitter - but how about Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Vine, Vimeo, YouTube and Google+?

    And then there's the accompanying text - what do you say with your image and video content to create a compelling package that will get people clicking, liking, commenting and sharing?