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16 Things That Should Not Have A Comeback Yet

As much as the past brings back fond memories, there are a few fads and trends we don't want to deal with again. Relive a few of the worst right here, and then celebrate that Burger King's Chicken Fries have made a comeback instead of all of this stuff.

1. Rat Tails:

2. Wearing Clothes Backwards:

3. Wearing Colored Rubber Bands on Our Braces:

4. Devil Sticks:

5. "Baby on Board" Signs:

6. Piercing Our Tongues:

7. Taebo

8. Raves:

9. Pagers:

10. Soul Patches:

11. Putting Flames on Things:

12. Grillz:

13. Bell Bottoms:

14. Speed Dating:

15. Flash Mobs:

16. Planking:

Be sure and get your hands on something we're actually EXCITED to come back: Burger King's Chicken Fries!

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