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12 Australian Mashups That Would Be Legendary

Things are about to get weird.

1. A ute tray that doubles as a pool.

2. This meat pie topped with smashed avo:

3. The crocowarry. Cool, but deadly. But cool.

4. Three words: flannelette budgie smugglers.

5. The freedom of thongs combined with the blissful feel of grass.

6. An '80s mullet meets hipster man bun.

7. If cork hats came with your favourite chocolate biscuits.

8. Or if you could combine the convenience of a banana with the unbeatable taste of mango.

9. Imagine stadium chairs with inbuilt stubby holders.

10. An extreme iced coffee piled with lamingtons and pav.

11. The sharkangaroo. Taking terrifying to a whole new level.

12. Or this brown snake spider which is all of your phobias:

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