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What Happens When We Ask Our Parents To Interpret Grime Lyrics?

Fix up, look sharp, Mum.

So, we had the bright idea of asking our parents to try and decipher lyrics from our favourite UK grime artists.

Results were patchy, to say the least.

1. Some, as you can see, didn't quite catch on at first.

2. Some gave it some real thought.

3. While others were just flummoxed.

4. This one's quite sweet.

5. While others just got weird.

6. This mum is...sort of right?

7. Good effort, Mrs Warren!

8. And you, Dave! Maybe they're not so out of touch as we thought.

9. Hmm, spoke too soon.

10. *Mic drop*

So, perhaps that wasn't the best way to introduce grime to our parents. But maybe this is! See what happened when Bulmers brought together the grime, classical, and soul worlds together for a one-of-a-kind musical collaboration.

View this video on YouTube

Watch the documentary above, then find out more about our #LiveColourful campaign here!