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14 Discoveries You’ll Make Once You Move In With An S.O.

Nothing will ever be the same again – and it's great. All of life’s big decisions should come with a healthy trial period. That's why Buick now offers a 24-hour test drive on all models.

1. Once you move in with an S.O., you won't go out as much anymore.

2. You'll quickly learn who the clean one is (if you didn't know already).

3. And you'll also share the horrible burden of chores.

4. Once you move in with an S.O., you'll become sort of inseparable by default.

5. And you'll become the star of their social media presence.

6. You'll bicker over the little things.

7. But you will also become each other's therapists.

8. And you'll uncover a host of talents big and small they were hiding away from you.

9. Once you move in with an S.O., you'll start watching shows you would never watch on your own.

10. You'll see your S.O. for the human they are...flaws and all.

11. And the intimacy you share will reach a whole new level.

12. Once you move in with an S.O., the journey truly becomes the destination.

13. You will change for each other.

14. But the most important discovery you'll make is that life goes on after you move in with an S.O. — but now it's a life you literally live together.

All of life’s big decisions should come with a healthy trial period.

The Buick 24 Hours of Happiness Test Drive lets you try a Buick for a full 24 hours. All big decisions need a little time. Go ahead and take yours.