This Sweet Potato Hash Is The Easy, Heart Breakfast From Your Dreams

    Just one-pan of pure goodness.

    Sweet Potato Breakfast Hash

    Here's a video showing you how to make it:

    Facebook: video.php


    1 tablespoon olive oil

    1 tablespoon rosemary

    ½ red onion

    1 clove garlic, minced

    1 sweet potato

    1 jalapeño (optional)

    2 bell peppers

    2 green onions

    4 eggs


    1. Heat olive oil in a large skillet over med-high heat. Add diced sweet potato, cover and let cook for approximately 10 minutes or until it begins to soften, stirring occasionally.

    2. While the sweet potato cooks, dice the red onion and mince the garlic. Add to the skillet.

    3. Dice bell peppers, jalapeño, green onion and rosemary (if using fresh) and add to skillet. Cover and let cook for approximately 5 minutes, or until sweet potato is tender.

    *Note: If you like heat (like us!) you can leave the seeds in the jalapeño. If not, omit jalapeño altogether.

    4. Create 4 wells inside of the vegetables, not too close to the edges of the skillet, but far enough apart that no gaps form between them. Crack one egg into each well.

    5. Cover and cook 3-5 minutes more, or until eggs are your desired consistency.

    6. Enjoy!

    Breakfast is served!