We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    These 41 Things Cost Less Than $25 — And They're Actual ~Lifesavers~

    Like a *genius* set of shower curtain hooks with over 45,000 5-star ratings that'll have you replacing your liner in a fraction of the time.

    1. dishwasher magnet you can toggle to say whether the contents inside are clean or dirty — a seemingly small gesture with potentially major peace-keeping results. If you've ever experienced the horror of your roommate putting dirty dishes into a dishwasher filled with clean ones, you need this in your cart, stat.

    The magnet is shown going from clean to dirty
    A customer using the magnet
    Sally Elshorafa / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Promising review: "What took them so long?? Every household should have one of these. Does your partner point to the dishwasher and ask you, "Hey, are these good?" Mine did, almost daily. Not anymore, though! A breeze to install (our dishwasher is magnetic, but I'm really glad it came with adhesive pads — someday when we move, if we need them we have them!), and even though I bought it (mostly) as a joke, I use the heck out of it. Slides easily when it needs to." —Andrea Braun

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in four styles).

    2. A cult-favorite TubShroom (79,000+ 5-star ratings!) that proactively catches any hair that makes its way into your drain so the water doesn't take friggin' FOR-EV-ER going down. Plus, it'll save you money on plumber visits!

    reviewer photo of a gray tubshroom in a drain
    same reviewer pulling the gray tubshroom filled with hair out of the drain

    Promising review: "I hardly ever write reviews, but this thing is so amazing I had to share. With every shower I take, I shed a TON of hair and (as you can see from the picture) stick it to the wall so that no hair goes down my drain. I thought this method was working out well but my drain was continuing to stop up. I figured it must be my sister's fault since I was so good about not letting any hairs go down the drain, but I went ahead ordered the TubShroom after seeing advertisements on Facebook. I got this thing and after only two showers, it collected a crap ton of my hair that I didn't catch. It really is so easy to install and wipe away the hair, exactly like the videos. Awesome invention, and I'm super happy with this purchase!" —Megan K.

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99+ (available in five colors and a set of two). 

    3. A microplane foot file with serious smoothing power you'll want if your dry, cracked feet are in need of some TLC and moisturizers alone aren't doing the job. You'll be shocked by how much grated cheese — whoops, skin — it removes, even after the first use. I mean, the photos say it all.

    reviewer before and after photos showing their dry, cracked heel on top and their smoother-looking heel below
    reviewer photo of the foot rasp next to a pile of dry skin flakes the rasp removed from their feet

    Promising review: "I have purchased every callus cream on the market and it has been a waste of time and money. This simple device is a miracle worker. The callus on my big toe is very, very hard and the nearby callous along the side of the foot, while not as large and hard, is also difficult. I have used this device three days in a row, taking off a little at a time and not applying pressure. I apply lotion before and after using it and both areas show substantial improvement. It is important that you do not rush this process. Just a little at a time. Remember how long it took for that callus to form! Because I have been gentle and careful, I have no pain. Cleaning is simple. I wholeheartedly recommend!" —desertdragonfly

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95.

    4. A timeless Carhartt beanie, which is an absolute must-have on days when your hair's like, "Nope, don't feel like cooperating!" Just throw this baby on and no one will be the wiser — plus, it'll keep your noggin nice and toasty once temps drop!

    Reviewer in a gray foldover beanie with the Carhartt logo stitched in front
    Reviewer in brown/beige color of hat

    Promising review: "Best type of this hat I've owned. I like this particular hat because it's long enough that, if it's really cold, you can pull the hat all the way down and double the fabric over your ears to keep them warmer. Most types of these hats I find are not deep enough to do that. So this is by far my favorite cold weather hat. Carhartt put some thought into this hat, and it paid off. Superior." —Dave 76

    Another promising review: "This is the warmest, best hat ever. I've never really worn hats, living in California, but have had to go to Minnesota and other cold places recently for work, and it keeps my head SO WARM. It's soft (I hate even the tiniest bit of scratchy feeling) and the purple sage color is muted and elegant and lovely. I don't think I will ever buy another kind of hat again!" —Lia

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in one size and 34 colors).

    5. Or an adorable satin-lined hat that'll hide bad hair days in a jiffy WHILE keeping static-y tresses at bay (yes please!). P.S. The faux-fur pom-pom is removable if it's not your thing.

    five of the hats in different colors
    the pink hat rolled up to show its satin lining
    Honest & Faithful / Etsy

    Chesapeake, Virginia-based small business Honest & Faithful also makes their popular satin-lined hats for kids!

    Promising review: "I have purchased several of these hats for both myself and friends and family. We all love them. They are just what we need to protect our hair. I love the color options, too." —Adenah

    Get it from Honest & Faithful on Etsy for $20.50 (available in 12 colors).

    6. A tub of the *iconic* cleaning paste The Pink Stuff, because once you realize how much stain-lifting power this unassuming stuff has, you'll wonder how you ever got anything clean without it. Not only does it get stains out, it does so quickly and with minimal effort on your part, whether you're tackling crusty cookware or crayon catastrophes.

    a stained sheet tray with text: hopeless
    the same sheet tray with one corner looking much cleaner after being scrubbed with the pink stuff, with text: ...or not!
    britt holding a tub of the pink stuff
    Britt Ross / BuzzFeed

    Check out yours truly using it three ways on TikTok!

    After seeing countless videos on cleaning TikTok that raved about The Pink Stuff, I knew I had to try it out on my stained, grime-coated sheet tray. I mean, if it could make a dent in that, I'd probably believe in magic. Well, I started scrubbing one corner as a test, and lo and behold, the difference was nothing short of DRAMATIC (check out the photos/TikTok for proof!). And I didn't even have to scrub very hard, though as someone with ~minimal~ upper body strength, I doubt any force I could physically apply would even constitute as heavy scrubbing. At any rate, it worked so well that I tried it on a pair of dirty tennis shoes and a blue stain that had been singed onto my toaster oven for months, and, yup, it worked. I will say, if you want your sheet trays to look brand spankin' new, you might need one of those cleaning scraper tools to get every last bit off, but as far as general stain removal goes, consider me a FAN. 

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97+ (also available in packs of two and three).

    7. A set of portable soap paper sheets so you can ensure your hands stay clean, even on the go. They instantly foam up when you rub your wet hands together, so don't fret the next time you use a public b-room of ~questionable~ sanitation levels and the soap dispenser is empty (tsk tsk, public b-room!).

    Promising review: "Obsessed. These are awesome. They definitely work as described — you just need to rub your hands under water for a few seconds. They are great to throw in your purse or backpack. I love them." —Amazon Customer

    Get a four-pack (200 sheets total) from Amazon for $7.69.

    8. A pack of dishwasher cleaning tablets, because if you've ever noticed rancid, moldy odors coming out of the machine, chances are your dishes aren't as clean as you think they are. These have a subtle, crisp scent that'll take the place of those offensive stenches, and in terms of your dishwasher's appearance, I think the photos speak for themselves. 

    reviewer's dirty dishwasher with brown stains on the bottom
    The same dishwasher, which is now stain-free after using the tablets

    Just pop them into the tray where you'd normally put detergent (or on the bottom of your dishwasher if you're washing dishes at the same time), and run as usual!

    Promising review: "This was simple to use, smelled good, and I was pleasantly surprised when I opened the dishwasher after the recommended cleaning cycle. This product actually did what it advertises that it will do! Great results, fairly economical — and by the way — it works!" —Old Southern Charm

    Another promising review: "Just get them. Changed the way my 20-year-old dishwasher works. Much cleaner dishes and the interior is like new. First time you use it, run it empty with just the cleaner. I didn't realize how much mold and ickiness it got out of my machine." —drpicard

    Get a pack of six tablets from Amazon for $8.99.

    9. A jar of Museum Gel to keep your fragile possessions from toppling over like Dominoes when there's unexpected movement. If you have little kids or pets and like nice things, this is a must!

    gif of someone taking a piece of museum gel, rolling it into a ball, and sticking it on the bottom of a wine glass
    reviewer photo of a blue and pink glass sculpture on display on a floating shelf

    Each jar is good for up to 300 uses. To use, just grab a bit of gel, roll it into a ball, and stick it to the bottom of any item you'd like to protect. It's removable, reusable, and won't ruin your furniture. Plus, some reviewers say it's great for keeping things like cabinet and drawer liners from sliding around.

    Promising review: "This is AMAZING! I recently got a kitten and of course he loves to tap on things with his paws until he knocks it down. My friend uses this product and told me I had to get it. So worth it!! Once you apply the jelly and let it sit for a little while those objects will not move! And the best part is that it does not damage the surface that it was placed on. 10/10 would recommend!!!" —Darryl Hoard

    Get it from Amazon for $14.33.

    10. A very "why didn't I think of that" set of double shower curtain hooks, because you know what isn't fun? Undoing each ring whenever you wanna switch out your liner. With this, the curtain and liner each have their own sides so you can easily pop 'em off. Such a time/headache saver!

    The hooks attached to a shower with two hooks on each side of them, one holding the liner and one holding the curtain

    Promising review: "I hate changing out the liner on my shower because it meant I had to remove the curtain, too. Not any more! I saw this set of hooks in a TikTok review. Now I can swap out the liner with ease. The hooks also slide on the curtain rod very easily, no tugging." —Christina

    Get a set of 12 from Amazon for $6.29+ (available in seven colors). 

    11. A time-saving nonstick microwave pasta cooker to use on nights when you're craving ravioli but the thought of having to boil water seems like cruel and unusual punishment. Pop it in, wait 12–13 minutes, and ta-da!

    A reviewer photo of uncooked pasta and water in the clear, plastic microwave pasta cooker
    A photo from the same reviewer of cooked pasta and water in the clear, plastic microwave pasta cooker

    It also doubles as a strainer, and you can use the holes in the lid to portion out long pastas.

    Promising review: "I love pasta, but I hate *making* pasta. Too many pots, pans, strainer, cleanup, etc. Forget it. And after a long day at work when I am craving pasta, all I want to do is eat right away. This pasta cooker cooked pasta better than I have ever cooked pasta in my life. I am Italian, so as you can imagine I have eaten (and made myself) a LOT of pasta. This product is a game changer. It was extremely easy to use, cooked quickly, and it came out PERFECTLY. Not over cooked, a little al dente, but not firm. Perfection. Now I have no excuse not to cook pasta for myself (and my husband) practically every day. BUY THIS. It will change your life." —Hope Lanza

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99.

    12. A dryer vent cleaner attachment so you can stop worrying about extra lint buildup becoming a potential fire hazard. You probably didn't even know this existed (but you'll be glad/horrified you discovered it once you see how much filth it sucks up).

    Reviewer using the dryer vent cleaner
    Reviewer photo of sock and lint sucked out of the dryer with the vent cleaner

    This adapter is compatible with most vacuum cleaner pipes, so all you have to do is attach it to your vacuum and guide it around your dryer to suck up excess and hard-to-reach lint. Too much lint buildup not only slows down the drying process; it's also a fire hazard, so this handy device can actually be considered a safety tool!

    Promising review: "Yes, we had a sock in our dryer vent!! This past summer, the lint trap broke on our dryer. Our kids ran the dryer regardless! What a disaster. Received my vacuum kit today, and now my clothes are dry! I sucked up the sock, as well as a piece of lint roller tape. Great product!" —Laurel Enoch

    Get it from Amazon for $11.89+ (available in five colors).

    13. And a dryer vent lint brush with a long, flexible handle that'll get into those hard to reach crevices in your dryer gap and exhaust port. Crisis averted!

    A customer review photo of a pile of lint they pulled out of their dryer
    reviewer photo of the black lint brush in front of a full dryer

    Promising review: "Great product, much bigger than what the pictures show. I never thought I could have so much lint stuck in the vent. It helps keep clothes smelling better and I’m sure is overall easier on the dryer with better air flow." —Andrew Portus

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $8.95.

    14. A pack of lobe support patches, because if you're tired of your favorite dangly earrings constantly pulling at your poor ears, these are an absolute game-changer. Just stick 'em on behind your ears and they'll take the pressure off of your piercing. Bye bye, droopy earlobes!

    before photo of a reviewer's earring drooping down while in their ear
    same reviewer's after photo of the earring looking nice and straight while using the lobe support patches

    Reviewers also say these are perfect if you've ever had gauges and the holes never quite shrunk back. 

    Promising review: "Amazing. Literal lifesavers. I LOVE my heavy Kendra Scott earrings, but I’m pretty sure they’re the culprit of why my right earring hole has ripped slightly. Using these support patches, it’s as if the earrings don’t even exist. I am going to tell all of my friends to get these for their heavy statement earrings!!" —Donthemom50

    Get a box of 60 patches from Amazon for $9.95.

    15. roll-on migraine stick to dab over your temples, forehead, and neck whenever you feel a headache coming on. It contains peppermint, spearmint, and lavender oils, which can help ease pain at the onset, and since it's about the size of a tube of lip balm, it's the perfect thing to keep in your bag in case one of those pesky headaches sneaks up while you're out and about.

    Promising review: "This stuff is my go-to fix when I feel a migraine coming on. I suffer from sinus headaches and migraines usually once or twice a week. This product I put on each temple, under my nose and on my wrists when I feel the pressure starting and it cuts the pain to a minimum. It seems to stop the worst pain before it has a chance to start. Thank you for a great product! I will buy again and again!" —Brenton1985

    Read BuzzFeed's Migrastil Migraine Stick review for more deets!

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    16. A pack of oven liners future-you will thank current-you for buying when you realize they prevent your famous lasagna's overflow from becoming a sticky mess on the floor of your oven. Its nonstick material means easy breezy cleaning — beats scrubbing your oven with all of your might!

    the oven liner covered in goo on the bottom of an oven
    hands rinsing off the black oven liner in a sink

    Promising review: "These liners are life changing! I never thought I needed them until a friend raved about them. Cleanup is so simple, no more melted cheese or sauces burnt to the bottom of my ovens. I love that I can cut them down to size to fit my toaster oven. My husband enjoys grilling with the liners now, he doesn't have to line the grill with aluminum foil, which he found so annoying, deterring him to grill. This product really has simplified my life in the kitchen and I love it." —Kindle Custommer

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $11.99+ (also available in a combo pack). 

    17. A box of Mighty Patch blemish patches containing hydrocolloid to spot-treat those pesky skin eruptions that always seem to pop up at the most inconvenient times. Never fear — Mighty Patch to the rescue! Leave 'em on overnight, and in the morning you'll be rewarded with a patch full of gross-yet-satisfying white residue (aka pimple gunk).

    Reviewer before and after photo using patches
    reviewer photo of the red and white box of pimple patches

    BuzzFeed Shopping's Ciera Velarde says: "I've used this specific brand for years now and have found them to be the best at reducing the size and redness of breakouts! Whenever I notice a zit popping up, I put one of these one right before bed, and it stays put all night, even when I toss and turn a lot. By morning, it's much less noticeable and is practically nonexistent when I cover the zit with makeup. It's such a great practically zero-effort way to treat blemishes!"

    Promising review: "I heard all about these on TikTok, so I decided to order. I switched my birth control and was having a ton of breakouts, these are amazing! They helped me stop picking at my face and my skin is so clear now. Will always have these in my house from now on!" —Kiara Galloway 

    Get a pack of 36 from Amazon for $12.99.

    18. A nifty herb leaf remover, which separates the leaves from the stem in one fell swoop. No more wasting time picking each leaf off individually, and no more unpleasant stems sneaking their way into your food! 

    hands feeding a sprig of rosemary through the wooden herb stripper
    hands holding the herb strippers in the three wood types
    Shop Collin Garrity / Etsy

    Collin Garrity is the St. Louis-based woodworker behind these lovely tools, and his other minimalist creations include whimsical ornaments you'll wanna keep around long after the holidays are over. 

    Promising review: "Just exactly what I was looking for. The wood is smooth and comfortable to use and just pretty to look at. Quickly becoming a staple utensil for my kitchen." —David and Amy Emler

    Get it from Shop Collin Garrity on Etsy for $16 (available in three types of wood). 

    19. A set of bed bands that'll secure that oh-so-wriggly fitted sheet so you can *actually* get a restful night's sleep rather than it turning into a bedding-versus-you battle. Plus, the sight of your now-smooth mattress will turn you into the IRL version of the 🥰 emoji.

    A reviewer image of a bed with messy sheets
    The same bed with the sheets perfectly fitted

    Promising review: "I hate myself. I'm 30 years old. Why didn't I buy these sooner? If you are sick of sleeping on wrinkled or pulled up top sheets these will change your life. For 13 bucks. Buy it." —Bonus Joe

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $12.99+ (available in three colors, two sizes, and in larger packs).

    20. drawer organizer, because there's only one junk drawer allowed in every home, and guess what? The utensil drawer isn't it! With this, your cutlery will finally have a designated place, and the "bleacher-style" design takes up way less space than your standard utensil divider. Now you won't panic whenever a guest asks if they can grab a fork. 

    BuzzFeed Shopping's Chelsea Stuart has used this product to make her kitchen feel more organized: "Just got this and it has freed up SO much space in our cutlery drawer that we can now store teas, small Tupperware, etc. vs. before it was just a mess of utensils."

    Promising review: "I had never seen this before I bought it, and holy crap it changed my life. So. Much. Room. There is so much room left in my drawer now that I moved stuff from another drawer and I have an entirely empty drawer in my kitchen now. Now only HALF the drawer is silverware and the other half is spatulas and cooking utensils. It is great. It also seems very sturdy. Highly recommend." —van31050

    Get it from Amazon for $11.98.

    21. A bottle of Drop It to naturally reduce the sulfites and tannins in a glass of wine, aka the likely culprits of those headaches you're prone to getting after drinking. And don't worry, your vino will still taste exactly the same.

    BuzzFeed editor putting drops into glass of red wine
    The drop it bottle in editor's hand
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed

    It works with any type of wine, and one little bottle will last for up to 55 glasses!

    Drop It recommends 1–2 drops for each glass of white wine, 2–3 for a glass of red, and 7–9 if you're treating the whole bottle at once. Once it's in the glass, swirl lightly for 20 seconds, and enjoy!

    Promising review: "This works! I had to stop drinking wine because the sulfites upset my system. I can now enjoy wine again (I drink white wine) I use 2 drops/glass and no more problems! I have tried several other products, but have found this to be the best in terms of price/value and effectiveness." —Judith S.

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 — don't forget to apply the coupon to save $2!

    22. A cooling, memory foam contoured sleep mask you'll be super happy you purchased on nights when you're craving a good night's sleep but your partner has at least two more hours of TikTok-scrolling in them. Bye bye, disruptive screen glare! Plus, the molded padding gives your eyes some very welcome breathing room. 

    reviewer wearing black sleep mask
    underside of sleep mask to show contour

    Promising review: "I work night shifts at the hospital and sleep through the day. I had a hard time sleeping with how bright it gets in my room so I bought this to try out before I tried to install blackout curtains. The mask completely blocks out all light and is super comfortable. The straps are adjustable so it stays secure and isn't too tight. I also love the fact that it's washable and easy to use. Absolutely love it." —Gina Hamilton

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in five colors).

    23. A useful gadget called the Bug Bite Thing, because if you're anything like me, mosquitoes just looove making a meal out of you. This ingenious device sucks out the saliva or venom that causes itching and irritation in bites, and since it doesn't rely on creams or chemicals, it's completely reusable. 

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    This works on mosquitoes, bees, wasps, biting flies, sea lice (sea lice?!), and more!

    Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it on TikTok, and I have been having issues with mosquito bites. Used it a few time to relieve itchiness, and I am convinced it works! I have been recommending it to my family and friends.  Read the directions and follow them carefully. Don't use this on your face or neck, or other sensitive areas. Don't do a lot of suction, just a little bit. And do it a few times if needed. Great invention!" —Joe

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (also available in several multipacks).

    24. A plant-based Puracy spray reviewers say will send even the most stubborn tomato sauce, oil, sweat, and baby poop stains packing their bags. Now you won't scream, "NOOOOO!" as you watch your very adorable (and very not-potty-trained) puppy make a beeline for your favorite throw blanket 🙃.

    reviewer before photo showing a pair of stained white pants
    same reviewer's after photo showing the pants looking spotless

    Based in Austin, Texas, Puracy was started by two best friends with the aim of making plant-based cleaning products that are gentle enough to use around children. 

    Promising review: "Hands-down: best stain remover ever. I haven’t found a stain it won’t work on. It’ll take out old grease stains, even after the clothes have been through the dryer. For tough or old stains, saturate it and let it if sit for hours, even overnight. It’ll get it out. I’ll never get another stain remover." —Margaret E.

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99

    25. Plus a dedicated red wine stain remover, which will ease any apprehensions you might have about hosting friends in the same room as your new white couch. Those before and after photos are pretty shocking!

    A reviewer's stained fabric
    A reviewer's clean fabric after using the stain remover

    Wine Away is a woman-owned, US-based business!

    For best results, absorb the excess liquid, then saturate the spot with the stain remover. Let it sit for one to five minutes, and then blot it out. This product can also be used on hard surfaces to remove latex paint and grease.

    Promising review: "When you have anything white in your house and you have a love for red wine THIS PRODUCT IS A MUST! We had a dinner party of about 15 people in our house so I bought five bottles just in case. Someone spilled red wine on our brand-new white couch. I was so mad, but I used this stuff and it was GONE. It didn't just take most of the red wine out — the red wine was GONE! No trace of it at all! I will buy more!" —Alial

    Get it from Amazon for $10.38.

    26. A tube of antiperspirant lotion for anyone who's ever experienced excessive hand sweating and is like, no more! Just dab a bit of this onto your hands in the morning and at night so it can work its sweat control magic and you can go about your day with dry palms. 

    reviewer holding the white and orange tube of antiperspirant lotion
    reviewer's palm without any trace of sweat next to the tube of antiperspirant lotion

    FYI — some reviewers said that their hands felt quite dry after using this and recommend following up with a moisturizer.  

    Promising review: "My daughter has had hyperhidrosis her whole life. She literally dripped sweat (...drops!) from her hands and feet. She has been using this product for a few weeks twice a day on her hands, and it has stopped her sweating where even prescription options have failed. As it started to work for her, she said her hands felt 'chalky.' I felt her hands, and for the first time in her life they felt like everyone else's hands normally feel. Her self-esteem has instantly increased. I'm so glad I found this product. It's amazing." —Shannon Nintzel

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95 (also available in packs of two or three).

    27. A pair of blue-light-blocking glasses that'll help combat the harmful effects of the light emitting from those electronics you stare at 24/7/365. They're also pretty stylish, too!

    reviewer wearing the clear blue light-blocking glasses
    Reviewer photo showing that the glasses change the color of their computer screen

    Psst: These don't require a prescription and you can wear them even if you have contacts in.

    Promising review: "Absolutely love the way these work. I sit in front a computer screen for approximately 90% of my work day and these make a big difference. Worth the money. Plus they are absolutely cute to just wear out and about." —Jacqueline

    Get them from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in 16 colors, as well as packs of two).

    28. A four-event timer, because if you're on hosting duty this year, you're gonna need a surefire way of remembering when the turkey, green beans, stuffing, and pies should each come out of the oven. This helpful gadget lets you set four timers at once, and even comes with a whiteboard so you can write down which timer goes with which dish when your brain is feeling as mushy as mashed potatoes (GENIUS). 

    reviewer photo of the timer on a fridge with two timers set and labels for
    the four-way timer with four timers set next to a rack of cookies

    P.S. It's magnetic, so just stick it on your fridge!

    Promising review: "This is SO handy! I was thinking of it particularly for Thanksgiving, but have already used it for multiple cooking times. Takes a little practice setting, but once you do it a couple of times, it's easy. Nice loud alarm. Does not shut off until you shut it off." —shopping genie

    Get it from Amazon for $16.78.

    29. A laundry folding board that'll make quick work of what is likely one of your least favorite chores. Plus, it'll fold your clothes down suuuper flat and compact (saves space!) in way less time than doing it entirely by hand.

    gif of someone using the blue laundry folding board to quickly fold some shirts
    reviewer before and after showing a closet filled with messy-looking clothes, and then the closet looking much neater after the clothes have been folded using the folding board

    Promising review: "I really like this product a lot! From the first try, I have been happy with it. I wear lots of T-shirts and that’s what I mainly use it for. It consistently folds them perfectly every time. It also folds other items as well, but it cuts folding all my shirts into at least a quarter of the time it use to take me. It also seems like it is sturdy and should last a long time. Great product!" —Jim A.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in four colors). 

    30. A bottle of highly-rated Nizoral anti-dandruff shampoo, because we already have enough flakes to deal with in our social lives alone. This stuff's formulated with ketoconazole, which delivers welcome relief to dry, itchy scalps.

    It's safe to use on color-treated, chemically processed, and gray hair!

    Promising review: "Best dandruff shampoo I've ever tried. I’ve had dandruff my whole life, and recently it got much worse and turned into what was pretty much scalp psoriasis. I have tried MANY products and treatments over the past year and nothing has come close to this shampoo. I haven’t had ANY dandruff since I started using it, it took care of my psoriasis as well. Would absolutely recommend for anyone with bad dandruff." —Alicia Eddy

    Get it from Amazon for $15.47

    31. An under-cabinet lid opener for anyone short on counter or drawer space (and upper-body strength) who dreams of prying jars open with Incredible Hulk–level ease. It holds the jar in place while you twist, meaning the jar-versus-you battles will be a thing of the past. 

    The underside of a reviewer's cabinet, showing the lid opener installed out of site
    Reviewer using the opener to open a jar of sauce with just the palm of their hand

    Promising review: "I have tried a million different tools and gadgets for help in opening jars of all sizes, and each one had its own issues! Finally, someone has invented the perfect jar opener that is simple and requires no space in your kitchen drawers or counters. There was one person who suggested placing the opener with the sharp end of the 'V' closest to you and with it placed in the front, in the right corner under your cabinet. I followed those directions. and it works perfectly and easily. I have already placed an order for another one for a gift for my sister." —cat lover

    Check out our EZ Off Jar Opener deep dive for more deets!

    Get it from Amazon for $13.49 (also available as a set of two).

    32. A helpful set of Wad-Free pads, which attach to each corner of your bedsheets to keep them from consuming everything else in the dryer. If you've ever gone to retrieve your laundry only to find it's rolled up into a big ball and...not dry...you know how frustrating it is (esp. when you wait to do it right before bed and end up with a damp pillowcase!) 😩

    the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    Wad-Free is a woman-owned small biz. Cyndi, the founder, learned CAD (computer-aided design) to create the pads, and even brought them on Shark Tank, where they impressed enough to snag a deal!

    Promising review: "Wow!!! You wonder if things like this really work and well, I can absolutely confirm it does! First, I was impressed that the package came with two of the devices because I was only expecting one. So there was one for the fitted sheet, and the flat sheet. Finally, I tried it out and my sheets not only did NOT wad up, they came out of the dryer feeling fresher, feeling more dry, and unwrinkled! I will be buying a set of these for each of my immediate family members and close friends! What a great gift!!!" —katy

    Get a pair from Amazon for $19.99 (also available in a four-pack).

    33. A nontoxic carpet cleaning solution any pet owner will want in their arsenal, stat. You can use it with your vacuum, and not only does it help remove those stubborn stains, reviewers say it'll take care of nasty lingering odors with its refreshingly minty scent as well!

    This solution works great with Bissell, Hoover, McCulloch, Rug Doctor, Kenmore, and Carpet Express vacuum cleaners.

    Sunny & Honey is a family-run small business making cleaning products designed for pet owners who want keep their homes stain- and odor-free. 

    Promising review: "A true sensory experience while completing a mundane, laborious chore! The scent from this cleaner was pleasing versus the harsh chemical smell from the other brands out there. Yet, it was able to remove old stains that had been in the carpet fiber for well over seven years. This surprised me as I had just accepted that those stains were there to stay. Plus, it's concentrated so I just used over a bit of the recommended amount. Now the carpet looks great with no grainy feel to it when you walk on it with bare feet; although I did vacuum afterwards. Just as important, the carpet does not have the unpleasant odor that has lingered and would rear its ugly head from time to time! Thanks to Amazon for carrying this and making it easy for me to locate on the site!!!" —Marie J.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.97 (available in two sizes).

    34. A Tangle Teezer detangling brush that works on wet or dry hair to get pesky snarls out of all hair types without any painful yanking. Adding to my cart ASAP, because I have the type of hair that seems to tangle just by existing.

    reviewer using the brush on their wet 4B type hair
    reviewer using the brush on their dry 3B/3C type hair

    Promising review: "LOVE this brush! It’s the perfect size for me and the handle just fits so comfortable in my hand. The bristles have a medium to firm flexibility and glides easily through my 4b fine, natural curly strands. None of the bristles have bent for me. I’m gentle when I brush my hair though and always start at the ends and detangle my way up." —netters

    Another promising review: "My daughter has 3b curls, and it used to take me 35 minutes (at minimum) to brush her hair out after a wash/fix it in the mornings. I bought this to help tame the tangles, and I am shocked at how well it works. No more harsh pulling with a disgruntled preschooler! It took less than 10 minutes to comb through her hair with little to no effort. I’m SO happy with this brush!!" —PipsPlusOne

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in six styles and many color options).

    35. double extension cord for anyone who was so excited about moving into their new home, and then promptly realized the outlets were few and far between. With this, you'll get more than two times the use out of the ones you do have!

    the extension cord

    Each cord is 6 feet long and has three available plugs.

    Promising review: "I have no idea why these are not sold everywhere. PERFECT for my room! I ended up getting this due to my king-size bed being against a wall with only one outlet. I needed a way to connect my two lamps on my nightstand and this is absolutely, without a doubt, the very best solution to connecting my lamps and also not having all my outlets taken up. I recommend this to everyone! Also perfect for outlets connected to a switch to turn on and off both lights at the same time." —Ryan

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99 (available in black or white).

    36. An electric lighter that'll have you lighting all of your new fall candles with confidence, because let's face it — matches are scary. Plus, it'll help you reach those low wicks in super narrow candle holders, and it's conveniently rechargeable, meaning no more stocking up on lighter fluid!

    reviewer holding the pink lighter in front of a lit candle
    close-up of reviewer lighting a candle with the electric lighter

    Promising review: "I love it! I’m so scared to use matches to light candles and I’m tired of running out of lighter fluid in lighters — perfect for me!" —Erica F

    Another promising review: "I’m so happy I decided to try this! I will never need another lighter! It’s so easy and safe to use. So much better than a match or gas lighters. This charges in just 20–30 minutes and lasts a super long time. I also love the flexible neck and on/off switch. It also safely stops in 10 seconds. I can’t imagine ever using anything else to light my candles! I only wish I had learned about this lighter sooner. Highly recommend! Thank you!!!" —Amber

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in seven colors). 

    37. A wireless tracker so you'll never go, "Now, where did I leave my keys/wallet/cat?" ever again. It comes with four color-coordinated receivers you can attach to whichever items you're always misplacing, and a remote with dedicated buttons for tracking each receiver within 131 feet!

    Promising review: "Do you have kids? We have three of them. By the time I get home from a long day at work, sometimes I just need a little Netflix or Amazon Prime. Before I got these, there was this hellish period of 'you've got to be kidding me? What do you mean you don't remember where you put it?!?!'. Sure, we had a designated basket where the remotes should go, but they'd be under the couch, under a blanket, in the next room, etc. Now, all I do is click a button on the base remote and the fob chimes away and we have fun finding the cussed little devices. Sure, they still end up in every conceivable unusual spot, but now we can find them." —UkuleleJoe

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99 — don't forget to apply the coupon for 10% off!

    38. An anti-blister balm, because there's nothing worse than feeling the new shoes you thought you'd already broken in start rubbing against your feet in the middle of the day. It's formulated with vitamins A and C, which help soften and soothe chapped feet, and if you apply it before you put your shoes on, it'll proactively help prevent painful raw skin. 

    A model applies the BodyGlide Foot Anti Blister Balm to the back of their ankle

    Promising review: "Saw this product in a TikTok review and thought to give it a go. I definitely say it causes new shoes to be less painful; however, if you apply a lot it can be a little transferable on shoes. Overall though I think this product is definitely worth it and it does make a difference with new shoe wear!" —Mich Elle

    Get it from Amazon for $9.

    39. A digital luggage scale you should definitely have on hand if you tend to ~overpack,~ since it'll let you know just how much you're able to cram into your suitcase without it resulting in some — surprise! — hefty over-capacity fees. Now you'll have extra cash for souvenirs!

    reviewer using a digital luggage scale to weigh a red suitcase by attaching it to the handle and lifting up
    reviewer holding the silver digital scale, which reads 15.2 pounds

    Just hook the scale to your luggage handle, lift up, and the LCD display will show the weight! You can also switch between pound and kilogram measurements. 

    Promising review: "Took this for a 10-day trip overseas with lots of flights. Weighed the luggage as things were added to it/purchased, and when we weighed in at the airport it was perfectly accurate. Very important when the airline will charge $70 more dollars for a suitcase that is too heavy or make you open the whole thing up and take stuff out in order to fly with it. Saved so much hassle." —B. M. O'Connor

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99 (available in four colors, as well as a two-pack). 

    40. A neat little critter catcher, which traps those creepy-crawlies while keeping you at a very safe and reassuring arm's length. And because it doesn't kill them, you can release those spiders outside where they belong. 

    a gif of someone using the critter catcher to encase a spider

    Promising review: "This thing is awesome! Initially I was hesitant that it would squish the little guys or they would fall out in transport but it's great! Highly recommend! Sorry your GPS brought you into my house, little guy, I will help you find your way back outside :)" —Crystal R

    Get it from Amazon for $22.95+ (available in three styles).

    41. And finally, a timed outlet so you'll never panic about having left the toaster oven on ever again. Set it to turn on and shut off at whatever times you'd like and it'll automatically do so, even if you're not home. 

    Promising review: "I've been using this for about a month now and love this timer. I had a bad habit of leaving my hair straightener on, but I set the timer to come on for one hour in the morning while I get ready and stay off the rest of the day. I haven't left my hair straightener on since I bought this timer. Highly recommend for anyone who doesn't want to disrupt their morning routine, but wants to be safe during the day while you're out!" —AmznUser181921

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99 (also available as a set of two). 

    Reviews in this post have been edited for length and clarity.

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