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    19 Things You Quickly Realize When You Move Into Your First Apartment

    "I'm gonna need a lot more of these quarter rolls."

    1. Using all of your resources to their maximum capacity and making things become other things is a wonderful thing.

    2. Your dreams of having the perfect HGTV-looking apartment are not realistic.

    3. And things like bowls, utensils, and cups, well, they don't just come as a packaged deal with your apartment.

    4. Your fridge doesn't just ~magically~ fill itself up, so you've accepted the fact that most of the time it will look like this:

    5. And when your mom and dad visit, you must take full advantage of their willingness to buy you a few essentials.

    6. You quickly realize that you should probably invest in a decent tool kit.

    7. But Command Strips are the greatest ‘cause you’re all about making the least amount of commitment.

    8. If you don't buy a dresser within the first week of moving into your place, your floor will always look like this:

    9. And household chores that you thought were a piece of cake, well, they aren't actually as easy as they appeared.

    10. Because you're on such a tight budget, you quickly learn that you're going to have to make some no cable.

    11. You learn that not all air-conditioning units function properly or are decent looking.

    12. And that some stoves are NOT electric.

    13. There is no toilet paper fairy.

    14. Having inflatable furniture isn't the WORST thing in the world.

    15. But buying a legit couch, well, there's no better feeling.

    16. You come to understand that quarter rolls are the most precious gift.

    17. And that neighbors can be so wonderfully passive aggressive.

    18. IKEA is your best friend.

    19. And, finally, that desperate times call for desperate measures.