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    Student Debt Should Be Forgiven And Heres Why.

    Many people believe that student debt is at the fault of students, however, there is more to the story than what the eye can see.

    In sociology, we learn that the American Dream is a way to make people feel that they have to be independent and if they look to others for help they are seen as a failure. This idea of being a failure can be applied to both sides of the problem with higher education, debt, and why many believe that students and graduates are responsible for their being in debt. Students are told to go to college and get a degree that often leads them to debt no matter the major. Then after college, many still struggle to get a job even having that degree because the pathway to the workforce is more difficult than what it should be. Therefore, students struggle to find a job that is supposed to get them out of debt.

    Yet, students are the ones to blame rather than a system that is failing them, and really failing us all. Which all leads back to the American Dream that says Americans should be independent, that says dependence on others is bad, and that places the blame on the individual rather than the system. Therefore, it is not necessarily students are saying that the government needs to pay the debt that everyone says we need to be successful but students are saying they are tired of a system failing them. The saying "survival of the fittest" was coined first by Herbert Spencer who used it in sociology to show that the people who are in the higher class, the most accepted race, and those in the superior gender in a society will have the highest chance of surviving in that society.

    Our society has a system that is putting the student and their problems at the bottom which decrease their chance of survival in our society. This is what is wrong with the American Dream, our system, our society, and how it is all connected to student debt. It is all connected because it is not the individual's fault for being trapped in debt but the American Dream, the system, and the society that leads them there. Therefore, by changing each of these things we can not only help the student but many in America because by changing one thing in our system a domino effect can happen, however, nothing can be done until people understand that there is a problem that needs to be fixed.