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    Sun Tzu's Advice For Struggling Nursing Students In College

    Passing Nursing School requires an art of war. No college student understands the #struggle like a nursing major. Even if none of this advice actually makes your life easier, at least you'll get a good laugh, that you are most likely very in need of!

    When you've been studying for 12 hours straight for the exam and physically cannot stay awake.

    When you have 5 exams in the same week and have no idea where to even begin studying so you just ignore them until the day before.

    So instead of freaking out about 5 exams in the same week, organize your material and plan out your time wisely.

    When your friends are all going out and make fun of you for staying in to study.

    When 1 topic is explained through 80 lecture slides but you finally figure it out.

    When you know the job of evil nursing professors is to weed out the weakest links each semester and you are for sure a weak link.

    When your 2 consecutive weeks of exams is finished and you actually get a weekend out.

    When you never even went to bed due to studying and completing assignments and you actually show up to your 8 AM.

    Sometimes all it takes to make it through a day of classes, hours of clinical, or an all-nighter of studying is some coffee.

    When students with other majors start complaining to you about studying for 3 hours for their 1 test that contains 2 chapters of material.

    When other girls actually got their 8 hours of sleep and have time to look good for class and look down upon your messy bun and sweatpants.

    When you're having your weekly mental breakdown and begin to question what your life is even about and why you torture yourself.

    When you're taking a nursing exam and want to choose E: all of the above, except there is no choice E....annnndd all of the answers are correct...

    When you get that test back that you only crammed for the night before so you have already prepared yourself for receiving a 65% but you get a 75% instead.

    Butttttt, remember, when you're a RN and get a mini vacation every week!!


    All translations of these quotes from The Art of War by Sun Tzu, were obtained from the same site listed below.