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    3 Tech Trends That Might Change The World In 2019

    Technology is all around us, and it's changing the way we live our lives every day. But there are some pretty big advancements in tech that will change everything we know pretty soon, some of them as soon as this year.

    The world is not a pandora box anymore, it is a book with pages flipping one by one at high speed. If you are curious and eager to learn, open to the world and flexible, you will not want to miss any page out. These pages are filled mainly with technological trends to simplify, verify, update and protect processes of every business field. Those who are not following new and upgraded methodologies are at risk of falling out of the market. As Charles Darwin and all followers later stated, you either change or die. It concerns every single field of business as currently, technologies are embedded in each industry, improve it and yield results.

    Looking back at what we have already achieved with technologies being implemented in the life of an ordinary citizen, it is worth to emphasize such a widely used online and contactless payment systems along with advanced technologies for healthcare and instant test results to diagnose the ailment. This list is endless but it is time to look forward to what is about to come in 2019 and affect business.

    R+ Trends

    R+ directions compiled in one flow, namely Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR). The second part of each is a reality, which people want to advance not only for entertainment but for the industry as well. AR technologies will be advanced and polished up in conjunction with AI to identify people’s faces through cameras. VR will bring to the table an opportunity to practice such relevant skills for surgeons, vehicles constructors, soldiers to eliminate risks of the real-time practice. Frantic game-players should be vigorous about upcoming upgrades in VR masks: no cables, high-powered displays, accurate image of the real world, increased field of vision and compatibility with a mobile device.

    Businesses will have a chance to implement AR in their marketing campaigns to promote their brands and provide their consumers with a top-notch personal experience before making a purchase. Online-shopping is going to be a way easier if a customer can imagine how this piece of furniture will look in their design or whether this model of jeans fit you or not. The crucial role of AR technologies is with car manufacturing. Safety is the top priority of every driver but in this overwhelming world with popping-up messages and cars congestions, it became an ultimate condition. Thus, automobile producers invest enormous funds in embedding voice-assistants, dashboards, navigation systems, digital reflection such as Head-up screen on the windshield.

    Artificial Intelligence

    The most controversial trend is artificial intelligence. There are thoughts that it is a disaster and threat for humans as opposed to numerous advantages for business platforms with smart solutions. People have already experienced a small part of AI opportunities but there is a lot still to come and humankind will try it out very soon. Everybody got already used to an instant reply, write my paper, notifications or pop-up message from chatbots and virtual assistant, facial recognition and navigation directions which are developed with AI. All these smart devices of people’s everyday usage embed artificial intelligence.

    In 2019, there will be a breakthrough with AI technologies. Firstly, you will experience the personalization of various processes with reinforcement learning: higher education, healthcare, and finance. Gifted children, terminally ill people will get the best and instant options basing on their needs and unique characteristics.

    AI works perfectly in conjunction with IoT and AR. There’s no chance to launch a self-driven car without Machine Learning, collection of data, and decision-making models by AI. Usage of artificial intelligence can also help with automatization of repeated processes along with dealing with biased data on every level, such as hiring processes, providing loans, and releasing prisoners.

    All businesses will need neural networks, which are powered by AI. Due to the collected sensory data about the consumer, there will be a customized offer and selling approach which leads to increased incomes. Neural networks play a fundamental role in speech and face recognition and differentiating natural languages.

    Personal Data Protection

    As safety is the top priority for car manufacturing, it is supposed to be the same as the Internet of Things. With an eager desire to digitalization, people provide an enormous amount of personal data to be processed and analyzed by third-party institutions. Being vulnerable to cybercriminals all businesses should invest in dual data protection and veracity in 2019. The customers choice will be defined not by features that can get with your business but how protected it will be under your supervision. To advance security we need to take into account authentication into accounts with hardware, cloud-based technologies along with deep learning. The sad thing about all these technologies is that with an increasing amount of data science jobs, there is a high demand for cybercriminals to steal data.

    R+, AI, and IoT bring to the table of future technological trends a decent amount of things and there is no evidence that they will stop on its way of development and advancement. Nobody will be able to stop this flywheel. All fields will continue to be driven by digital transformations: robots, drones, autonomous vehicles, devices, content format, services usage. The most decisive trend among all of mentioned is 5G and higher Internet speed. Nothing will be possible without a qualitative and high-speed connection.

    The biggest issue of time when AI was introduced on the market: “Will it replace humans and get their jobs?” There is no clear answer but it is evident that all technologies are created by people and need them to manage changes. Some professions can be eliminated but others will be in very high demand like data scientists and graph designers. People need to develop along with technologies and train skills not to lack behind: IoT security, data analysis, cloud computing, NLP, and embedded systems along with critical thinking and cognitive flexibility.