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    These Brewers Have Created Something Other Than Beer, And It Could Brighten (or Ruin!) Your Year

    Sexy? Or Disturbing? You be the judge.

    The guys at River Horse Brewing Company in Ewing, NJ have always been a unique crew... But when they pitched this idea to management, it took unique to a whole new level.

    The idea was sparked one night while hanging out after work. After a few beers, they decided to model the ladies tank tops from the gift shop. The head brewer's girlfriend (now wife, apparently it didn't scare her off) snapped some cell phone pics and it became legend.

    The idea of a sexy-goofy photo shoot was tossed around for more than a year. One day they decided: This has to happen.

    It was completely voluntary and each guy came up with his own scene.

    They were given free range to wear as much... or as little... as they wanted.

    Some of the guys may have enjoyed it a little too much.

    Their photographer, Beth Grant, said the hardest part was getting them to stop eluding to penises in every photo. "I still take 3 showers a day" she says of her experience.

    Owner, Chris Walsh, wishes he could deny it's existence.

    Andrea Whaley, the office manager and coordinator of this project, says "If this is well received, maybe we will do it again next year... but with puppies too."

    Some photos definitely cannot be unseen.

    You've gotta be a close knit group to do this sort of thing....

    .... Or maybe just drunk.

    So what do you think? Would you hang one of these at YOUR desk in 2017?