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13 Times When You Feel Like A Fraud

Fake it till you make it, right? At least that's what Abby McCarthy would do. Tune in to Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce, Tuesdays @ 10/9c on Bravo, and learn from the best.

1. When you start a new job.

2. And then when your co-workers speak only in acronyms, and you have to pretend to follow along.

3. When kids won’t stop asking you questions 'cause they think you have it all figured it out.

4. When you laugh at a joke you don’t understand.

5. When you agree to help a friend…

6. When you're not up to speed on politics.

7. When you tell your significant other you're not attracted to your ex.

8. When you've just gotta fake it.

9. Or you try a new workout and lie about it being your first time.

10. When you try to act sober.

11. When you take a #nomakeup selfie.

12. When you attempt to pronounce a word you've never heard while ordering.

13. And when your server asks you to sample the wine.

“The tannins are very… wine-like.”

What would Abby McCarthy do? Check out Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce, Tuesdays @ 10/9c on Bravo, to find out.