Paid Post

If Starting A Startup Were Actually How Most People Think It Is

Just grab some angel investors and GO! Developers know it's not actually this easy, but thankfully, there's Braintree. It makes it easy to accept all types of payment methods with just a few lines of code.

1. Get great idea.

2. Realize idea already exists.

3. Change idea juuuust enough to seem like a completely different product.

4. Give idea a name.

5. Magically acquire funding.

6. Update personal social channels with new job title.

7. Start company blog.

8. Hire people who specialize in buzzwords.

9. Hold fireside chat.

10. Buy ping-pong table.

11. Install whiteboards.

12. Schedule "me time" on calendar.

13. Watch enemies roll in.

14. Watch other things roll in.

15. Let humanity become dependent.

16. And when the time is right, sell everything.

No matter what your app ambitions are, Braintree gives you a simple way to accept credit cards, Apple Pay, PayPal, and more — all it takes is a few lines of code.