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15 Gifts That Every Nerd Definitely Needs

Make them say, "th4n|< `/0u." Braintree is just one more thing for developers to love — it makes it easy to accept all types of payment methods with just a few lines of code.

1. A retro cross-stitch.

2. A desktop cord organizer.

3. An xkcd book.

The geeky cult web comic, now in physical form.

4. A screen cleaner multi-tool.

The bottle functions as a squeegee. (So if nothing else, buy this to say the word "squeegee.")

5. A meta mouse.

6. A smart thermostat.

Smart people deserve smart things, like this thermostat that remembers your favorite temperatures and goes into eco-friendly mode when you're out of the house.

7. A Bitcoin.

One will cost you quite a bit, but it's more creative than a check.

8. A home robot.

9. Floppy disk coasters.

10. A 2 TB external hard drive.

11. Relief from computer-related back pain.

Show your love the way Mom did: by telling people to sit up straight.

12. A responsive design sketchbook.

13. A custom QR code shirt.

14. A better backspace key.

15. And this flexible power cord.

One thing any tech nerd is sure to love is Braintree, a simple way to accept payments online or in-app. Accept credit cards, Apple Pay, PayPal, and more with just a few lines of code.