Can Someone Please Tell Tony Abbott He’s Not The Prime Minister Anymore

    Ah shit, we forgot about Tony.

    Tony Abbott: You know him, you have thoughts about him, and you're sure he's most certainly, 100%, not the current prime minister of Australia.

    It's September 07, 2018 at 11:00AM and the current Australian Prime Minister is Scott Morrison.

    That nod would actually go to Scott Morrison, who became the country's 30th PM a few weeks ago after an insane week in parliament that ended in prime minister #29, Malcolm Turnbull, hanging his top hat up for good.

    But hang on...has anyone checked on Tony?

    On Friday, prime minister #28 Tony Abbott tweeted a bizarre message to salute the fifth anniversary of the election of the Abbott government. "It's a good government, getting better!" he wrote.

    Today is the fifth anniversary of the election of the Abbott government. It’s a good government, getting better!

    Good government ... getting better ...

    Has anyone told Tony Abbott he's no longer the prime minister?

    Has he been blindly wandering the halls of parliament, earnestly looking for support from his fellow party members, confused when they give their attention to some other old white guy?

    People were confused...

    What planet is this man living on?

    Somebody check on Tony.

    Today is my 14th anniversary with my first girlfriend. It's a good relationship, getting stronger

    Maybe that's what has been happening all along. Maybe Tony hasn't been wrecking, undermining or sniping — just like he promised! Maybe he's just seriously confused why nobody calls him "mister prime minister" anymore.

    Is everything alright Tones?