This Woman Is Surprisingly Chill About Two Snakes That Have Been Fighting In Her Home For Weeks

    Snakes fight and then snakes make love.

    Fiona Sheen lives in Noosa Heads, Queensland, and has been filming two male pythons wrestling with each other in her backyard pool and barbecue area for a few weeks now.

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    "The larger guy in the videos has been hanging around our place with a female for a few weeks," Sheen told BuzzFeed News. "The smaller guy in the video has shown up and challenged the bigger guy over the rights to mate with the female."

    Sheen has seven videos of the snakes intertwined and says the smaller python was the winner of a series of fights and has been seen "hanging around" with the female, while the larger python has retreated to his own part of the garden.

    "We have often had the odd python come through our garden over the years," said a remarkably chill Sheen, "but this is the first time we've had three at once."

    Sheen is happy having the snakes in her garden, and said she won't be calling snake catchers to take them away.

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    "We love the nature that comes into our gardens, from birds to lizards to pythons," she said.

    "We did have an incident back in November 2015, with our beloved cat nearly eaten by a python, but my husband saved him."

    Snake catcher Matt George told The Courier Mail that the fighting was a normal occurrence during mating season.

    Following the ~fight for love~, Fiona saw the female python and smaller male python slithering under her deck to ... y'know ... make love.