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    This Girl's Dad Had The Funniest Solution To Their Dog Not Wanting Its Nails Clipped

    All it takes is a trip to Goodwill, some scissors, and an old purse. Oh and a dog, obviously.

    This is Kendal Peifer with her dad, Patrick, and her twin brother, Isaac. Kendal is 18 years old and lives in Minnesota.

    And this is the Peifer family's dog, Oliver, a rescue pooch that the family adopted a little over a year ago. "He's the perfect dog," Kendal told BuzzFeed News.

    Recently, it came time for little Oliver to have his nails clipped, something that doesn't come easily in the Peifer household. "It's very difficult to keep him still while clipping nails," said Kendal.

    So, inspired by a similar solution he had seen elsewhere, Kendal's dad ran off to Goodwill and bought a purse. Then he cut four holes in it, chucked Oliver in there and hooked it through some gym equipment on a door. Next thing you know, clipping the dog's nails was a lot easier.

    It's quite a contraption.

    Kendal tweeted out her dad's nail-clipping dog holder and it got a huge response. "A lot of people are saying how genius the idea was," said Kendal. "Other people are asking for my dad's phone number and saying how good looking he is."

    my dog hates his nails getting clipped so my dad literally bought a purse & cut holes in it

    Kendal's tweet has over 70,000 retweets and, yes, quite a few people are asking for a way to contact her dad.

    Great IDEA! Not sure if my chihuahua would do better in an Armani or Coach, just thanks that it will be a small on…

    Um the day before yesterday all corny dads in corny dad posts looked like my dad and now they all look like guys I…

    @KendalPeifer you're dad is fine as hell sis

    Dadgineering skills at 100% rn

    @KendalPeifer The head lamp killed me

    As well as a few people focusing on Oliver's solemn gaze.

    @KendalPeifer *record scratch* *freeze frame* Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I ended up in this si…

    @KendalPeifer “they ask you how you are and you just have to say you’re fine when you’re not really fine”

    @KendalPeifer "what did i do to deserve such an arduous life"

    And some people had tried similar things with their own dogs.

    @KendalPeifer My pug Oswald got the pillowcase treatment last summer.

    One thing's for sure — it definitely looks comfy. "I didn't think it would get so popular," said Kendal. "It worked surprisingly well!"

    @KendalPeifer “He could’ve at least put me in a Gucci bag”