Hundreds Of Muslims Took Part In ANZAC Day Dawn Services On Tuesday

    "We as a nation must unite and honour those who sacrifice their lives for us all."

    Hundreds of Australian Muslims took part in Anzac Day dawn services on Tuesday, paying tribute to those who have served and those who lost their lives in war.

    Many were part of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community (AMC) that has helped spawn the #MuslimsForLoyalty hashtag. The group hopes to encourage other Australian Muslims to unite and show their support for Australia.

    Grateful thanks to the hundreds of #Ahmadi #Muslims who took part in #AnzacDay Dawn Services today. Peace.…

    #LestWeForget Great speech by Captain Peter Mingay #DawnService #ANZAC2017 #Lithgow #ANZACspirit #MuslimsforLoyalty

    "[Anzac Day] is a day of great importance and a day when we as a nation should reiterate our pledge of loyalty and service to the country in war and peace," said imam I.H. Kauser, president of the AMC, in a statement.

    Remembering my father & all who sacrificed to give us the freedom we enjoy today #LestWeForget #MuslimsForLoyalty…

    Other Muslims paying their respects were happy to talk to people about their faith in an attempt to dispel any negative misconceptions.

    Imam Kamron Tahir attended the dawn service in Perth to show loyalty to the country and help dispel misconceptions…

    "It is a day that gives us a message that we as a nation must unite and honour those who sacrifice their lives for us all," said Kauser.