This "Hard-Working" Blonde Woman Got Job Offers After Writing About How Tough Her Life Is

    Good on her for having a go.

    A New Zealand woman who wrote about her struggles getting a job in London has now reportedly seen an influx of job offers.

    Twenty-five-year-old Alex Hazlehurst first wrote about her struggles a few days ago, focusing on how huge the population of London was in comparison to New Zealand and how hard it was for her to makes contacts in the media industry.

    She wrote: "I'm talented. I'm hard-working. I'm blonde. And I can charm the pants off the 60-something-year-old Italian who makes me my daily coffee... So I may be many things, but in London, I'm irrelevant."

    Hazlehurst turned a few heads online with her piece, especially the title – leading many to question her right to complain about the struggles of finding a job.

    Why didn't she just say, 'I'm white.'

    @berrymetmary @Nick_Brown92 How is this news? Person finds it hard to get a job in a really big city

    @nzherald probably disappointed they won't hire her just on looks alone, sorry plenty of better qualified individuals in the world.

    @nzherald What's her being blonde got to do with anything?

    @nzherald I'm talented. I'm hard-working. I'm blonde, roflmao ! I call these people,,, Generation WHINE !!

    Regardless, the New Zealand Herald is now reporting that Hazlehurst has been inundated with job offers. Everything's coming full circle, it seems.

    Hazlehurst told the NZ Herald that "there had been job offers, families offering a place to stay in the southwest of England if she needed a break, and Kiwis living in London who just wanted to meet for a coffee to chat".

    So there ya go, it ain't all bad – especially if you're blonde, talented, and hard-working.