This Photo Of A Dingo With A Dead Shark And Two Snakes Having Sex Is Totally, 100% Fake

    It's been a hell of a week.

    This photo of a dingo with a dead shark looking on as two snakes have sex has been going viral recently.

    [on phone to mum] Mum: how's Australia? Me: there's a dingo eating a shark and two snakes are rooting on the beach Mum: *laughs and scolds me for speaking in an uncouth manner Me: *sends SMS Mum: WTF?!?!

    On Facebook and on Twitter it has racked up tens of thousands of shares.

    Facebook: TheBellTowerTimes

    It's the sort of viral gold that Australia's tourism industry probably isn't too happy about. You know, not many people are drawn to a place by its incredibly violent, sex-crazed animals. Unless you're into that (no judgement).

    So it should please you to know that the photo is actually (no duh) made up of two separate images.

    The dingo image first went viral five years ago on Reddit. The reaction back then was pretty similar to present day.

    And in 2015 a video compiling all the crazy photos to come out of Australia was viewed almost 500,000 times. The dingo was in there, too.

    View this video on YouTube

    Meanwhile, the snakes fuckin' by the side of the road went viral six years ago (again on Reddit) after a user said they took the photo following a chance encounter.

    So yes, both of these things appeared to have happened separately, and are linked to two Reddit posts.

    Like, a dingo was pictured standing over a dead shark. Maybe it even ate some of it, we don't know. Hell, due to the difficulty in tracking down the original photo, it might be fake too! But it looks pretty legit.

    And it looks like two snakes really did get entwined on the side of the road so they could ... fuck.

    And these two images have gone viral a whole bunch of times, but have now been stuck together on top of each other to make it look like they were happening at the same place, same time.

    Meanwhile in Australia... A Dingo eats a Shark while 2 snakes have sex...(or fight..) #Australia


    Never – ever ever – did a dingo kill and eat a shark on an Australian beach while two snakes had sex on the road. At least, not that human beings have photographed.

    This has been today's community announcement.