Clive Palmer's Palmy Army Created A Parody Of The "Big Ad" And Were Told To Take It Down

    "The war is coming."

    Carlton & United Breweries has told millionaire businessmen and former politician Clive Palmer to remove a parody video from his Facebook.

    The video parodied Carlton Draught's famous "Big Ad." The commercial was first screened in 2005 and quickly became one of the most recognisable ads on television. If it doesn't ring a bell, have a look for yourself.

    View this video on YouTube

    The doctored version of the ad features a yellow robe-clad Clive Palmer and his Palmer United followers sprinting towards a group of Australian politicians – ranging from Greens leader Richard Di Natale to prime minister Malcolm Turnbull – while the commercial's familiar "It's a big ad" song, set to the melody of Carl Orff's "Carmina Burana" plays. The video then fades to white, before the message "The war is coming, enlist in the Palmy Army today" appears on the screen.

    A spokesperson for CUB told BuzzFeed News the company wrote to Mr Palmer earlier this week. "The posts have been subsequentially taken down and we consider that the end of the matter," said the spokesperson.

    While the posts of the video on Palmer's Facebook may have been removed, the edited video is still accessible on the Palmer United Party leader's Facebook via the "video" tab. It has been viewed 1.3 million times and shared over 2,000 times.

    Palmer's Palmy Army, a closed Facebook group created by the verified account of Clive Palmer with the intention to create memes for sharing on Palmer's page, is responsible for the video's creation.

    The group has caused controversy in the past for the creation of anti-semitic and xenophobic memes. "The meme war is coming," said the video's creator when he posted it in the group. "Make sure you pick the right side."