People Are Laughing At Trump's Tweet About Ending Major Business Councils

    "You can't dump me because I am dumping YOU!"

    As news broke on Wednesday that multiple CEOs wanted out of President Trump's two major business councils in protest over his handling of the deadly violence in Charlottesville, the president took to Twitter to let the world know that, actually, he was going to close the councils altogether.

    Rather than putting pressure on the businesspeople of the Manufacturing Council & Strategy & Policy Forum, I am ending both. Thank you all!

    Trump's statements were made all the more confusing because of a tweet he sent yesterday, which said he had no issue with the business leaders dropping out of his councils because he had "many to take their place."

    And as the news broke of Trump's decision, the jokes rolled in.

    Rather than forcing my beautiful Canadian girlfriend to drive all the way down from Montreal, I will not be attendi…

    There were a lot of tweets about ~breakups~.

    "You can't dump me because I am dumping YOU!" - The President of the United States

    Yeah, I definitely broke it off ... i mean, it was a bit mutual ... well, she had stopped returning my calls so ...

    "You're breaking up with me? Hell no. I'm breaking up with you. I broke up first. Me. Not you. Me me me." #weak…

    Lol, he just ragequit his own council.

    And about how, actually, Trump didn't want anyone coming to his Sweet 16 anyway.

    when u have to cancel ur super sweet 16 because everyone at school learned ur actually a racist

    this is like canceling your birthday party after nobody RSVPs yes

    There was also a lot of reminiscing about schoolyard days.

    "...It's my game. My rules. If you don't like me, then I don't like you. So I'm going home. Now gimme back my ball…

    in high school i played basketball w a kid who would just walk off the court like a punk when his team was losing

    But some people just went straight to the point:

    Translation: the remaining CEOs were all about to quit due to my pro-Nazi remarks, so I had to disband to prevent f…

    The old pre-emptive break-up! It's all just turning into one big Seinfeld sketch.

    exclusive footage from inside the White House as Trump decided to disband his business councils