Paid Post

10 Biggest Ways Humans Are Wasteful On A Daily Basis

You may be wasting more than you think! Like throwing away your boxes without checking for Box Tops! Each one is worth 10 cents for your child’s school!

1. Doing laundry like a rich person.

2. Leaving all the lights on, even if you're not afraid of the dark.

3. Keeping the TV on for the dog.

4. Getting receipts for every single cup of coffee you've ever had.

5. Turning your shower on early for no reason.

6. Cooking with every appliance imaginable.

7. Leaving the AC on with the windows open... and the fan... and the central air...

8. Driving everywhere. Literally.

9. Falling asleep with your laptop plugged in.

10. Always ordering your coffee in a paper cup.

Throwing away Box Tops is like throwing away money for your child’s school.

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Make sure you look for those Box Tops on-pack. Save them and send them in to school!