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Viral Pet Treat Brand BONKERS Just Dropped A Track Made By Pets And We’re 110% Obsessed

A cat playing piano? Take my MONEY.

Close your eyes and open your ears — imagine a cat on keys paired with the multi-octave vocals of a husky. The result? An absolute banger of a track.

Thanks to BONKERS pet treats, the world can now watch these two pals make once in a lifetime musical magic.

BTW, if you haven't heard of this pink pet treat brand... Well, you've been living under a rock. 

They're changing the game for our furry friends — by making delicious snacky-snacks and generally being super weird.

Without further ado, meet Alfie — a fluffy feline who absolutely slays on the piano.

The second half of this duo is Mishka. Like all huskies, she has some pipes — and she's not shy about using them!

This clever twosome have created a delicious new jingle for BONKERS consisting of howling good vocals and kitty-paw piano tappy-taps. We can confirm, it absolutely slaps.

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Let us walk you through it. 

You can see Mishka here in all her glory, ready for her close-up. One of our favourite moments from the jingle is her proud little face as she gets ready to belt out a tune. Look at this goodest girl all ready to be a musical star. Get it, furry queen!

Then, Alfie jumps in to add his inspired piano backing notes and the two fluffy musicians are the duo my heart and ears have needed. When is their next concert? Will they do a meet and greet?

An immaculate perfectionist, Alfie gives the producers options. From a heart-wrenchingly soulful tap-tap-tap of the keys to boppy-taps that brought the energy, it was everyone's privilege to hear a maestro at work.

Taking on board feedback in true dog form, Mishka rose to the occasion and pulled out all the stops to please her adoring humans. Just the GOODEST girl.

Of course, being the voice of a generation simply isn't enough for Mishka; a true artist who isn't going to compromise on her creative vision for the track, she even got involved with the mixing and production.

After a huge day for Mishka and Alfie, the human servants worked hard to bring it all together and make the bop of the century. Did they do it? Yes.

And there you have it, the BONKERS jingle created by Mishka and Alfie. What a tune! It's just better when it's BONKERS. Bow down to our furry musical queens who have made us a treat for the eyes and the ears!

For the full experience, watch the musical masters at work:

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