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10 Small Acts Of Kindness That Go A Long Way

Adding a little humanity to your day can have quite an effect. No matter how small, acts of kindness make a difference — just like the folks at BMO, who are always here to help.

1. On a hot day, offer a cold drink to your mail person.

2. When you get great service, talk to the manager and let them know who has helped you and done a great job.

3. If you’ve hailed a cab and see someone near you who needs it more, give it up — especially if you’re not in a hurry.

4. Offer to pick up groceries for a senior in your neighbourhood.

5. When you receive excellent service in a restaurant, be sure to tip above 20%.

6. Have a pizza delivered to a friend you know is stuck at the office.

7. In public places, clean up after yourself as much as possible to lighten the load for janitors.

8. Thank bus drivers.

9. Don’t text during IRL human interactions. This includes everything from a conversation with an old friend to your daily coffee order. Be present.

10. When you’re driving and someone lets you into a lane or allows you to merge, acknowledge the kindness with a wave.

Finally, when you see a friend in need, offer to help without being asked. The folks at BMO did just that, and you can watch their story here.

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