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Are You More Of A Cat Person Than Angela Kinsey?

Find out if you love cats even more than Angela Kinsey, and feed your feline friends BLUE Tastefuls'™ deliciously wholesome wet and dry food to elevate their eating experience.

You might know Angela Kinsey as an actor and podcast host, but she's also the proud parent of two cats — Snickers and Oreo.

Angela Kinsey with Snickers and Oreo

Angela has loved cats for as long as she can remember and has evidence to back it up. But do you love cats even more? Answer a few questions to find out if you're as much of a cat person as she is:

Angela said: Five or more

"I've had five indoor cats, and the rest were like barn cats. We had a big farm, and you have barn cats, and you have your back porch cats, then you have your inside cats. If you count all of those that I had growing up, I had like 15. For real."

Angela said: Yeah, I have a lot to say!

"They're total family members, like a hundred percent. I talk to them like I talk to my kids. I'll be like, 'Oreo, I got a delivery. There's going to be a really awesome box for you today.' And then Snickers, I'm just like, 'Hey, hey, um, Snickers? I was thinking — hear me out — maybe today, you could get up and move a little bit. What do you think? Maybe we take a break from napping. I don't know. It's just a suggestion."

Angela said: Yes

"I have bedazzled cat ears, and I love them. When the light hits them, it's like I'm a walking cat disco ball. They're so cool. I've had a Halloween where I just wore like a black shirt and black jeans and the cat ears. There it is — done! Costume!"

Angela Kinsey pets Snickers who sits in a stroller in front of cat merch

Angela said: A fine dining experience

"We have been using Blue Buffalo for a long time. We like their wet and dry food. Snickers loves their wet food. She likes the BLUE Tastefuls Chicken Paté. Oreo loves their dry food, the BLUE Tastefuls Chicken and Brown Rice and the BLUE Tastefuls Salmon and Brown Rice. But it's great because it's made from natural ingredients. Snickers is a very picky eater, so this is a big win for us."

Angela said: Of course!

"Oreo's is called oreolovesboxes because it just makes us laugh, like the things she gets into. She's very busy. She's very mischievous. And what's that saying? 'If I fits I sits?' She is gonna try to get herself into any box, any pack. Like we had takeout food the other night, we took it all out of the paper bag, and the bag was on the ground, and she was like, "Nope, this is where I'm living." Snickers only wants to sleep in one chair every day, so we're like, 'Snickers, you're not as interesting for the 'gram. Like you gotta do some fun stuff here.'"

Angela Kinsey shows off a cat canvas

Angela said: Absolutely!

"You know how you can go where your photos are, and it will say recognized faces? And it's your most photographed faces? What's crazy is my kids are there, and then there are my cats' faces. There's probably over a thousand photos of them. It's very hard for me to delete a photo of a cute cat doing something cute."

Angela said: Yup!

"What we do is at Christmas, the cats and the dogs get their own stocking — so Snickers and Oreo have their own stocking. But what I learned early on was I can't put any of their stuff in their stocking 'till like the morning of Christmas. I truly have to be like Santa's helper that morning because Oreo — I'm amazed by the things she can do. She can open doors, she can open drawers, she has batted her stocking off the little holder and taken all the items out of it."

Are you as much of cat person as Angela? Either way, you can also treat your cat to an amazing eating experience by feeding them BLUE Tastefuls™ wet and dry food. With wholesome ingredients and a great taste, both of you will love it.

Angela Kinsey's responses have been edited for length and clarity.