It's Been Over 10 Years Since "Victorious" First Premiered So I Ranked All 7 Main Characters From Worst To Best

    Jade: you either love her or hate her.

    7. In last place: Robbie

    6. In sixth place: Trina

    Trina and Tori arguing over her song present

    5. In fifth place: Jade

    Jade saying "I'm not your clock" when Tori asks about the time

    4. In fourth place: Andre

    Andre shouting to help his grandma

    3. In third place: Tori

    Tori and Jade discussing Jade's ability not to sweat

    2. In second place: Cat

    Cat revealing that she wanted to taste the flavor of a laser beam

    1. And finally, in first place: Beck

    A girl calling Jade pretty and Beck saying "I know"