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13 Signs You're Addicted To Fashion Blogs

Stop updating your inspiration board for five seconds. Indulge your love of fashion with vlogger BeautyCrush as she levels up her career in jewellery design.

1. You own more eye palettes than you will ever use.

2. You have strong opinions about Tavi Gevinson.

3. You've watched a 30+ minute "haul" video.

4. You don't have a "style," you have an "aesthetic."

5. You know a good outfit doesn't matter unless you can get an equally good picture of it.

6. You can name the designer behind every Forever 21 rip-off.

7. You have entire mood boards devoted to a single pattern.

8. You can name models who don't have Victoria's Secret contracts.

9. No matter where you are, London Fashion Week controls your life for at least seven days.

10. You were shocked when you found out that Leandra Medine (aka The Man Repeller) got engaged.

11. You've tried out cutting-edge nail tech.

12. You have lost days of your life on Lookbook.

13. You've had a dream that you get photographed for a "street style" piece.

Check out vlogger BeautyCrush as she begins her journey into jewellery design with help from BlackBerry:

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