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11 Ways To Win 2017

It's not too early to start thinking about how to get exactly what you want out of the new year. To see entrepreneurs trying to win 2016, 2017, and beyond, watch Billion Dollar Buyer. Catch the new season Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on CNBC!

1. Don't make a resolution: Make a commitment.

2. Soak up all the info you can.

3. Try new things.

4. Work on your leadership skills.

5. Hit the gym.

6. Eat better.

7. Get your finances in order.

8. Help out your friends.

9. Hang out with your friends, too.

10. Do the things that scare you.

11. Hit the ground running.

Seize the day in 2017! See other people just like you who are hustling to seize the day on Billion Dollar Buyer. Catch the new season Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT on CNBC!

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