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    Tiktok Just Gave Me A Profound Life Advice

    “Do yourself a favor and just zoom out of your life.”

    This app really knows how to make people feel good, especially when we're feeling overwhelmed with whatever's happening around now.

    I just came across a recent post by a Tiktok user, @butterflyfountain, and she talked about the beauty of just letting things be, and simply enjoying the present moment no matter what.

    “Just take yourself out and realize you don’t know what you don’t know. And like sometimes the most magical things happen in the waiting,” she says.

    It reminds me of the concept of Wu Wei, which is the art of non-action -- and embracing it, especially if one feels like being forced to do something, or the opposite of it isn't simply in alignment with the natural cycle of the seasons.

    “There’s so much coming in, you just have to be open and allow it and trust the ~fantastic~ process. That’s why there is a process,” she continues.

    “And your life can change today or tomorrow or next week or the week after, so just enjoy where you are. And know that it is just a very small part of your journey.”

    She hits the nail harder with “We kind of lock ourselves into the pain by assuming that it will just stay and that we’ll never be rid of it. It just perpetuates it.”

    She then went on to explain how it's similar to ordering our meal in a restaurant, and how we never worry about the food not arriving. We just trust that it WILL.

    “Just know that you are where you are, and that is right where you’re supposed to be.”