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21 Cool Ideas For Tattoos To Get With Your Mom

If you've always wanted to get matching tattoos with your mom, just show her these!

1. Tattoos, like promises, are forever.

2. You could acknowledge her unconditional love with ink and origami.

3. Or a watercolor heart.

4. It can be something fun!

5. One small detail.

6. Or something deeply meaningful to both of you.

7. You could find a creative way to remember each other's birthdays.

8. Or something that also shows your mutual love of music.

9. A perfect example of combining great design with tenderness:

10. Or you can go with something a little more colorful.

11. Or totally off-the-wall (and adorable).

12. You could get something more stylistic and meaningful.

13. Or something cute to serve as a reminder of your love.

14. Like a special heart that goes with you everywhere.

15. Get something to show that the love you have for her will last forever.

16. It's a creative and loving way to make your mark on one another.

17. And to remember that it doesn't matter how far away from her you may find yourself; you'll always feel your mother's love.

18. And you'll always know that she's watching out for you.

19. Because ohana means family.

20. And family means nobody gets left behind.

21. 💖💖💖


The description above one photo was updated to reflect the tone of the original author before translation.


This posts has been updated from its original version.