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    17 Things From Amazon Canada You’ve Put Off Buying, But Really Should Get

    You can't avoid buying a dish rack or a bath mat any longer.

    1. A toilet plunger and brush set that'll clean and unclog your porcelain throne. They come with a lil' stand that'll keep them off the floor so you won't risk creating toilet water puddles after you use them (ew).

    The plunger and brush combo sitting in a holder on a bathroom floor

    2. A drain snake kit that'll help you get all the gunk out of your shower and sink drains when water starts pooling. It'll save you from hiring a plumber and the amount of gross stuff you'll pull out will be shocking, yet satisfying.

    A person's using the drain snake on a shower drain

    3. A waterproof entryway mat that'll save you from slipping when you come into your house with slush-covered boots. Reviewers love that the non-slip backing stops it from moving around and say its thin enough that it doesn't block their doors from opening.

    The geometric patterned carpet inside of a door with muddy boots sitting on top of it

    4. And a pack of rug grippers that'll make sure the corners of your carpet stay put. Now that they're stuck to the floor, you won't accidentally trip over the rolled edges.

    A person sticking a grip to the bottom of a rug

    5. A dust pan and broom that'll have you sweeping the floors without having to bend down. The top of the dustpan has a comb that'll remove all the dirt and debris the bristles picked up with a single pull.

    6. And a mop and bucket that you can use to clean up messes on your hardwood and tile floors. This ain't your average set — the mop has a telescopic handle and the bucket has a built-in spinner that'll help you wring out your mop with ease.

    A person using the mop on their hardwood floors

    7. A 24-piece cooking utensil set that'll replace all the mismatched spoons and spatulas you've been using for too long. They're made of silicone so they won't damage your nonstick cookware or leave behind scratches.

    The full utensil set on a kitchen counter

    8. A six-tier shoe rack that you can use to clean up that pile of footwear that's currently blocking your front door. The pockets on the side will hold your flats and sandals so you can reserve shelf space for bulkier boots and shoes.

    The shoe rack filled with different shoes against the wall of a trendy room next to a window

    9. An expanding cutlery drawer organizer that'll keep your forks and spoons in place and stop your drawer from jamming. Reviewers love how much space it saves and that they can adjust it to fit their drawers perfectly.

    The drawer organizer in a drawer holding both eating utensils, and cooking utensils

    10. A memory foam bath mat that'll perfectly cushion your tootsies while absorbing excess moisture after a soak or shower. The non-slip backing will grip to your floor so you won't slide as you take your first step out of the tub.

    A closeup of a person's feet stepping onto the mat

    11. An extendable Swiffer duster that'll help you reach all those spots that typically get missed during your weekly chore sesh (like your ceiling fans and on top of your kitchen cupboards). The handle can be stretched up to six feet so you can stay safely on the ground while you dust.

    Victoria using the extendable swiffer to clean a light fixture

    12. A metallic soap dish that'll allow your bars to totally dry after you use them. The extra moisture will drain from the soap so it won't be a mushy mess next time you pick it up.

    The soap rack holding up a bar of soap and razor

    13. An over-the-door coat rack that'll hold all that stuff that's been collecting on the chair in the corner of your room. It'll keep your frequently used items handy while saving some space in your closet.

    An over-the-door hook holding a denim jacket, plaid shirt, purse, and umbrella in a room

    14. A drying rack that'll drain leftover water from your dishes right into your sink without taking up any extra counter space. Reviewers love that it can be rolled up for easy storage so it only has to be out when they need it.

    The drying rack over the sink while a set of glasses and a lemon dry

    15. A set of hanging baskets that'll give you a bit of extra storage wherever you need it most. They'll easily stack or slide into your closet, fridge, and pantry to give every last item a proper home.

    The shelves installed in closets holding small items and tech accessories

    16. A microwave splatter cover that'll keep your food from making a mess all over the inside of your microwave. Now you won't have to deep clean your microwave every time you warm up your lunch.

    A person putting a meal with the cover on it into the microwave

    17. And finally, a pair of extra-large storage boxes that you can use to store extra clothes and linens. They're slim enough to slide under most bed frames so you won't need to make space for them in your closet.

    One of the storage boxes sliding under a bed

    You feeling accomplished after finally buying all these useful things:

    Looking for more great 🇨🇦Canadian🇨🇦 shopping content? Check out our recommendations for small things that'll make a big difference, brilliant products you need right now, and downright useful items you can get from Amazon Canada.