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American Airlines Takes Over Los Angeles With Flashmob

On April 5th we added ten new destinations from LAX! So, on April 4th, we kicked-off the celebration and danced our way into downtown Los Angeles with a flashmob at the US Bank Plaza. 40 dancers descended down the plaza, taking unsuspecting bystanders by surprise, with a fun and uplifting routine sure to have you tapping your toes.

irenescape 13 years ago

Win a Trip to the 2011 Billboard Latin Music Awards in Miami!

State Farm is giving you the chance to win a trip to Miami to attend the Billboard Latin Music Awards. Visit the Facebook Latino Facebook page for more details. You can also play a game to win 3 free music downloads. Check it out!

letsgooo 13 years ago

Most Googly Eyes Applied to a Squash in One Minute in a Prius

I spy with my many eyes… the URDB crew setting the world record for "Most Googly Eyes Applied to a Squash in One Minute in a Toyota Prius"! See for yourself in this clip from the Prius Records event.

JamesFanscape 13 years ago

Prius Records Day 2 is LIVE!

Prius and URDB (Universal Record Database) kicked off their two-day record-setting live internet spectacle yesterday, and it was truly a day to remember. In its 10-hour premiere, nearly 100 Prius records were attempted, with almost every one setting a new bar to be bettered (if you don't count the ill-fated tree-hugging rebuttal debacle). Now Day 2 is upon us. It’s live right now! Tune in at to witness the zany record-setting action. Also, be sure to visit to watch the most exciting moments in Prius record-setting history and to break or set your own Prius records.

JamesFanscape 13 years ago