11 Things That Happen When You Suck At Adulting

    What is this "401(k)" you speak of?

    1. Whenever you try your hand at home improvement, you either end up injured or making your house look like it was pillaged.

    2. When it comes to Friday night plans...they might not be the most ~glamorous~.

    3. And when it comes to "casual work drinks," things can get a little out of hand.

    4. You want to throw a dinner party? Well, what else do you *really* need other than wine?

    5. Even if your parents aren't technically dressing you anymore, you're still calling in some backup when it comes to dressing yourself.

    6. You're not above what some people deem "little kid" snacks.

    7. Scheduling appointments and actually GOING to those appointments is literally the stuff of nightmares for you.

    8. When you try and complete any adult task on your own, like moving apartments or doing your taxes, you definitely hit a few speed bumps.

    9. You aren't above playing dress up.

    10. And you're DEFINITELY not too old to prank your friends.

    11. Basically, you're a mystical magical child at heart...and no one can take that away from you.

    12. Watch BuzzFeed Violet’s You Do Two trailer now — and then go purchase their entire adventure on iTunes, Amazon, or Google Play!

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