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23 Things Your Pets Probably Do When You're Away From Home

Like us, pets are individuals. Some are silly. Some are shy. Some love to lounge around. And for 30 years, Best Friends Animal Society has been working to save the lives of pets in America’s shelters. Join us. Together, we can Save Them All®.

1. They keep it chill.

2. They find new hiding places.

3. They can finally run around the house!

4. And they can finally catch their tail!

5. They pretend they are gold medalists.

6. They organize their chew toys.

7. They get started on their new crafting projects.

8. They snack without guilt.

9. They get a manicure!

10. They really let loose!

11. They redecorate the house.

12. But then have a spa day.

13. They try to work out their differences with the other pets of the house.

14. Sometimes it works!

15. They surf the web. (Check the history of your computer!)

16. They catch up on reading.

17. They turn on the radio and get their groove on!

18. They find their evil twins!

19. They work on looking ~flawless~.

20. They contemplate world domination. (And then they think, Eh, I'd rather not.)

21. They seriously deliberate over the relationship between felines and canines on a worldwide level.

22. They travel to the fourth dimension.

23. And nap. They probably nap a lot.

But most of all, they miss you while you are away!

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Every day, more than 9,000 individual dogs and cats are killed in America’s shelters. It’s time for a change. Together, we can Save Them All™. Learn how at